Search Results (55)


2022 Commissioner Candidates

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The Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to advancing the principles of limited government, free enterprise, individual rights, and personal responsibility. Our national organization was founded in 1991, we are the oldest continuously operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement. We are the conscience of the Republican Party.

The RLC is not affiliated with, nor does it answer to the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) or its various County Executive Committees (REC).

RLC members advocate positions consistent with the timeless principles of the founding fathers that stand in stark contrast with existing party establishment.

We are committed to electing candidates who believe in and espouse the principles and positions of the RLC, AND HOLDING those representatives accountable once elected.



There are no free passes in the RLC as we strive to place pri

Alisabeth Janai Lancaster



Lancaster retired from a 28-year career as a Federal Reserve law enforcement officer in 2010.

During her career, she worked in protective services and performed duties such as dignitary escorts, dignitary protection, U.S. Treasury operations and other law enforcement-related services.

Lancaster holds a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and law enforcement certification through the state of Colorado.



"I am running because I had attended a school board meeting in which the parents and the community were not being addressed with their concerns, and I did have some people ask me to run," Lancaster said. "As a voter, and not just the candidate, I had some issues with the current board members."

Lancaster said that the Santa Rosa County School Board was not nearly as transparent as it should be and that its current members have not done a good job addressing concerns

Elect K.W. Miller to Represent YOUR Values

Once again we are fighting an incumbent who is a major RINO.

Florida has some really rino representatives in Congress. Here is a screenshot from lowest conservative to highest at the low end. Gimenez is right in there, #5. This guy is worse than Diaz-Balart.



KW Miller is stepping up for America First against all odds. Someone has to. We cannot keep stabbing our own people in the back by re-electing Gimenez.

One year voting record for Gimenez. Definitely Republican in name only. 


So look at the bills he has passed in one year! Stealing citizen money and rights. 



The incumbent CANNOT go back into office! You must vote for KW Miller.

This is NOT mud slinging. These are facts.These are wake-up calls. More info from Rino Hunter 1776


VOTE KW Miller. 

  • I WILL uphold my Oath to protect and defend the Constitution
  • I WILL implement a comprehensive Infrastructure Development Plan (IDP) to clean our waters and deliver th

Fighting for Our Families


There is a a threat to Florida and our country. It is the incumbent, Mario Diaz-Balart. Mario has voted for horrible legislation that takes the money, rights, and land away from citizens. 


Diaz-Balart is posing as a Republican but votes as a Democrat and spends citizens' money like there is no tomorrow. It is VITAL that he is replaced no matter what.


There is only one option and it is Darren Aquino. Put Darren Aquino in for two years. He appears to be trying to be a Republican while the incumbent isn't even trying. 

Vote Darren Aquino. Voting for Mario Diaz-Balart is worse than voting for Cheney. Don't do it. 



Our country is been under assault from left wing activists and rioters. Unfortunately, our elected leaders, who we trusted to protect us and preserve law and order, have chosen to cower in fear from the mob.


My Platform



I am a beekeeper and I’ve got thick skin.  I have taken the stings of the bees to put honey on your table.

I will take the stings of politics to put honesty in your government.

From “Save the bees” to “Save our country”, I got this.  Vote for me, vote for my team, vote America First.



Restore Liberty

Stand for Health Freedom

Republican Liberty Caucus


Your Pocket Book

Inflation is hitting us hard, and with a $14 an hour minimum wage in Florida in the near future, we need to make sure that Gas and Food doesn’t rise along with it.

Inflation is real and our personal buying power needs to be protected against Federal takings.  Alaska gives back to its citizens out of the state’s prosperity.  Why not Florida?!  It’s a prosperous state! Let’s make the people prosper too! 

Your Family's Education

Let the parents be parents; teachers and school boards don’t need to control the way we raise our children.  I have had the fortune of homescho

Freedom Fighter For Florida


I am in this fight at a great personal cost. I am not in this for myself. I am not in this to make friends in Tallahassee or to become an enriched career politician. I am here for the love I have for this great state. I want to make Florida better for our future children and grandchildren. I am in this to fight for you. I will be the most conservative legislator in the Florida Senate.

GerryJames_Senate.mp4 from Ken McCray on Vimeo.


Medical Freedom

We must end medical tyranny. Medical coercion and mandates violate our constitutional rights.

Election Integrity

We must restore confidence in our elections. If we refuse to make this right, the fraud will NEVER END. In 1st 30 days will write legislation to mandate one day voting, paper ballots.

Two-Tier Justice System

We must uphold law and order. We must put an end to a justice system that protects the radical left and ruling class RINOs in our state and country. There's a blatant disregard for our laws as t

What I Stand For...

If elected for Florida State House, District 22, I will stand by my constituents, fight for them, and serve them well. THIS is the right time, and I AM the right choice!

-Tayari Appiah



Limited Government 

Too many times government has overreached its boundaries. Government should have checks and balances to ensure compliance.

Constitution As Written 

The Constitution is a timeless document that the foundation of America was built on. To stray away from it is to take away our God-given rights.

Pro-Second Amendment 

As American citizens, it is our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Not only to protect ourselves and our families but most importantly to protect our freedom.

Election Integrity 

Laws should be in place to make it harder to cheat and easier for our American citizens to have their voices heard.

Medical Freedom 

All medical decisions should stem from the individual or the parent/legal guardian. We all know what is best for us, and us alone.




Vote August 23, 2022


"Representation must be free from corruption." - Martz


          The Constitution and our inalienable God-given rights, are a non-negotiable. We are seeing a fierce attack on our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, along with all five of our First Amendment Rights. The Constitution does not grant rights. It enumerates the rights that the government is charged to protect.  As a government minimalist, I support the the following: 

*Abolish the U.S. Department of Education 

*Abolish the ATF

*Get RID of the double TAX on Social Security

*Take exceptional care of our Veterans!

*Repeal the 16th Amendment

*Implement TERM LIMITS for US House. Representatives

*Protect Election Integrity

*Cut Unconstitutional Spending & reduce Federal Employees

*Secure our border against child Sex trafficking and drug trafficking

*ROE v. WADE was overturned because it was UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This remains a states issue under our 10th Amendment. I will not vote to pass


U.S. House 9 Republican Debate between Scotty Moore, Jose Castillo, Sergio Ortiz and Adianis Morales.


Watch the Debate to be an Informed Voter


Fire Pelosi.

It is long overdue for Speaker Pelosi to be ousted from her Speakership role. After presiding over two sham impeachments and doing her best to ram through a progressive, far left, out of touch agenda, it is time the American people use their voice at the ballot box in November, flip District 9 from blue to Red, take back the House, fire Nancy Pelosi, and Save America!

Protect Life.

All forms of life, from the womb to the grave are sacred. I am a 100% pro-life Christian. I will work tirelessly to protect the rights of all unborn children. I will work to cut federal funding for abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood and make sure that Roe is not codified in law.

Secure our Southern Border.

Joe Biden’s radical left agenda has left our southern border porous. Democrats in Congress have no problem sending billions of dollars to Uk


RINO Hunter 1776 on Florida Senate Race

Wants to make Puerto Rico a state--bad. Would be large Democrat shift to fight America First.

$34 million dollars to work with. 2nd best funded candidate in U.S.

Incumbent and most people think he is conservative.

Bad legislation he has voted for:



1. Overriding sequester restraints so more money can be spent.

2. Voted against allowing refining companies to forgo a (large) payment they have to make in regard to whether they decide to use ethanol or not--brought forward by Ted Cruz. He said No.Oil companies must use ethanol or pay the big bucks. Well, that really means the consumer pays the government because of that. Gas prices are hiked up. Thank you Rubio.We could use a break on gas prices!

3. Voted against prioritizing domestic spending over foreign aid. Foreign contries more important than America.

4. Grew bureaucracy by establishing a foundation for climate change, green energy, solar panels, and windmills. (Why is go

On Truth and On Facebook


Bringing Public Service Back to Politics
Stan McDaniels


Interviewing Jan 6 citizen journalist who was just sentenced on November 3, 2022.



"Growing up, I got to see the product of all the corruption that has gone on in this town for such a long time," McDaniels said. "And I'm tired of seeing it all happen."

He seems to be everywhere, stomping for freedom, red, white, and blue. His is a David and Goliath story. He is unstoppable. 

You will find him with his "suit" t-shirt and now his amazing patriotic suit emblazoned with American flags on the collar.


He is outspoken and fearless. He is at car shows and on 4th of July he was seen open carry in downtown Pensacola with a constitution in his hand wishing everyone Happy Independence Day. At least until 5,6 hours later when he was reported. 


He interviews homeless, go



Build an academically strong school district where students enjoy learning, teachers inspire, parents participate, and the community has confidence in the system


  • Conduct a “Needs Assessment” of all schools in the district to determine where new school or additions and/or renovations to existing schools should be built so that all students have equal access to quality facilities
  • Conduct a “Forensic Assessment” of all schools in the district, including their resources, staff needs, achievement rates, graduation rates, and drop out rates to determine areas of needed critical improvement  
  • Serve nutritious school lunches so that all students can focus and excel 


  • Survey the administrators, teachers, counselors, and support staff to determine the most well-research training and professional development that would benefit them and enhance their ability to serve their students  
  • Compare each individual school’s student to administrato

On the Issues


Fixing the Dumpster Fire That is Joe Biden's America

Election Fraud, Hacking, & Ballot Harvesting


Hunter Biden Laptop Truth & Chinese Spies

More videos on his web page:

I Represent Tampa Bay, Not The Swamp!

Liz Cheney Belongs On "The View" Not House Leadership

33% of Millennials Approve of Communism, How To Save The Most Entitled Generation


Inspirery: Interviews with Entrepreneurs & Executives: Jake Hoffman, Feb 1, 2022

What are your thoughts on the current state of politics?

In a word – disastrous. The Biden administration is by all accounts a complete and utter failure, but to be honest most of the leaders we’ve had dating back the last 30 years have also been disasters both Democrat and Republican. Both parties have massively expanded the federal government and bloated the bureaucracy, failed to fix broken systems like immigration and healthcare, exacerbated our debt to the point of currency collapse, and neglected basic needs of the constituents because they’ve

Saving The American Dream!



As Your Representative, I will fight for

  • Conservative Values
  • America First 
  • Parental Rights
  • School Choice
  • Donald Trump 
  • Ron DeSantis 
  • Pro-Life, Pro Christian Values
  • Law and Order
  • Lower Taxes
  • Teaching Civics in Schools
  • The 2nd Amendment 
  • Ridding America of Sanctuary Cities
  • Energy Independence
  • The American Family
  • Pro Small Business

    *SPECIAL* One on One Interview with David Dwyer Candidate for FL House 42


All My Favorite People Podcast, June 10, 2022

Join me and FL House District 42 candidate David Dwyer as we discuss the topics most important to parents in Orange County, FL. David is running against radical Leftist Anna Eskamani, who is considered our very own local AOC. Thank you to @Paint The Trump for giving us the opportunity to utilize your studio and share this message with your audience as well.


Education is essential, and I believe that our children’s education is vital to the future of the United States. I will work to put civics back in the classroom s




Mark Levin talks about Byron Donalds




Rino Hunter 1776


Election Integrity by Michael Ginsberg, 7, 9, 2021

“While Democrats are losing the argument and reversing their positions over appropriate voter laws like requiring an ID, the DOJ is acting as the political arm of the White House with their baseless lawsuit against a recently passed election law in Georgia,” Donalds told the Daily Caller.

“It is unfathomable that the DOJ has injected its authority under the guise of civil rights by politically attacking a state operating within its right to pass election reforms. AG Garland is not interested in the so-called disenfranchisement of voters; if he and his team were, they’d file lawsuits against New York and Delaware, where it is harder for Americans to vote compared to states like Georgia, Florida, and Texas.”



A true limited federal government wouldn’t leave over $26 trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities as a burden to f

District 1, Vote John Mills For Florida Senate August 23rd



As a U.S. Navy pilot, I took an oath to serve America. I swore to defend and uphold the Constitution. It was my duty and honor to do so. My interest is the same; to serve and uphold the principles that we hold dear. May God bless you and may God bless Florida. Send me to Tallahassee to fight for your values!


Military Service and Support

  • U.S. Navy Pilot (Retired), Rotary Wing and Fixed Wing
  • Product Developer, Military Aircraft Operator Manuals
  • Commanding Officer, Naval Security Force Naval Air Station Kingsville
  • Commanding Officer, Naval Security Force Naval Air Station Whiting Field
  • Program Manager, National Naval Aviation Outreach
  • Director, Navy Regional Emergency Management Operations
  • Disaster Preparedness Officer, Naval Air Station Pensacola
  • Air Terminal Officer, Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
  • Safety Officer, Helicopter Combat Support Squadron 16, NAS Pensacola
  • Public Affairs O

Paul's Priorities


Paul's Views at a Women for Responsible Legislation Candidate Forum

0.11 Background
0:22 Moral compass is love and to care for others the same way you love and care for yourself
0:28 Stand with Governor DeSantis and conservatives that indoctrination and socialism are not appropriate and no political agenda should be being brought into the classroom.
0:35 Public schools should be improved to be able to compete with homeschool and private schools
0:41 Teacher groups improve school district
0:49 Social workers are in every school and contact the home to involve parent with school and many use positive behavior strategies. Very successful for improving flow in classrooms. 
0:54 Christian values are brought into classroom by demonstration. Students are allowed to initiate prayer and groups
1:01 Financial and civics literacy is important but what do we take out. When a class is mandated, this impacts the students' schedules and their options.
1:05 Allowing biological males to

Kat on the Issues

July 16, 2022 voted with RINOS Cheney and Kinzinger to pass Defense Spending Bill along with amnesty for illegal immigrant children and millions more pork. So keep an eye on her!


 I want you to know that I will proudly stand with our President and fight alongside him for an America First agenda. I commend President Donald Trump for taking decisive action in all he does and for standing on principle against steadfast opposition and hatred from the Left. I promise to defend the American people, alongside President Trump, from the threat of socialism at every turn. I was proud to be a part of the 2016 Women for Trump bus tour in North Carolina, helping to get President Trump elected in a key swing state and I am looking forward to campaigning for him again this year in Florida.



Be assured that on day one, as your Representative, I will work with the Trump Administration to help build the wall and secure the border. You can al

Ron DeSantis is the 46th Governor of Florida.

No, no, no!

Super pacs trying to push DeSantis and get donations recieved warning from DeSantis  team to desist. No money is going to help the DeSantis team. 

Cease and desist using the Gov's name and likeness!


A native Floridian with blue-collar roots, Ron attended Dunedin High School and worked his way through Yale University, where he graduated with honors and was the captain of the varsity baseball team. He also graduated with honors from Harvard Law School. While at Harvard, he earned a commission in the U.S. Navy as a JAG officer. During his active-duty service, Ron deployed to Iraq as an adviser to a U.S. Navy SEAL commander in support of the SEAL mission in Fallujah, Ramadi and the rest of Al Anbar province. His military decorations include the Bronze Star Medal for Meritorious Service and the Ira

Laura Loomer


I want to say thank you to all of my supporters, all of my volunteers, and my staff for their hard work on my campaign and the faith all of you amazing patriots put in me throughout this race. I am so sorry that I didn’t post anything last night or earlier this morning. But, as you can imagine, I am devastated, and I am utterly heartbroken and saddened over the state of our country, our Republican Party, which is an active participant in the voter fraud machine here in America.

I am heartbroken over the fact that we no longer live in a free country. We no longer have free and fair elections. And I am disgusted over the fact that our Republican Party and media are complicit in Big Tech tyranny and illegal Big Tech election interference.

As you all saw last night, the Laura Loomer For Congress campaign had the nation on its heels because the entire night, I was ahead of Daniel Webster, beating him in the election. Then, there was a very strange long pause i