Kat Cammack, FL, US House, District 3

Kat Cammack, FL, US House, District 3

Kat on the Issues

July 16, 2022 voted with RINOS Cheney and Kinzinger to pass Defense Spending Bill along with amnesty for illegal immigrant children and millions more pork. So keep an eye on her!


 I want you to know that I will proudly stand with our President and fight alongside him for an America First agenda. I commend President Donald Trump for taking decisive action in all he does and for standing on principle against steadfast opposition and hatred from the Left. I promise to defend the American people, alongside President Trump, from the threat of socialism at every turn. I was proud to be a part of the 2016 Women for Trump bus tour in North Carolina, helping to get President Trump elected in a key swing state and I am looking forward to campaigning for him again this year in Florida.



Be assured that on day one, as your Representative, I will work with the Trump Administration to help build the wall and secure the border. You can also be certain that I will never support amnesty of any kind for those who illegally enter our country. We are a nation of laws and those laws must be enforced.

The failures to stop unauthorized crossings over the past several decades have led to serious national security threats and an influx of individuals who have illegally entered our country. I will be your voice on Capitol Hill to fight for a physical barrier, new technologies, and increased personnel to accomplish the goal of keeping our country safe and stemming the flow of illegal immigration.


I am pro-life and I will fight to protect the unborn at all costs. Life begins at conception and I will never waver in my advocacy on this incredibly important issue.

As a young, pro-life woman, I will have a unique opportunity to advocate for the unborn on Capitol Hill in a way that will speak directly to younger voters. If elected, I look forward to being a vocal supporter of the pro-life movement both in Florida and on Capitol Hill.


I will always uphold and defend our Second Amendment Rights. As a concealed carry permit holder and wife to a first responder, I am adamant about protecting this most basic American right. As a board member for the Alachua County Friends of NRA, I have put my beliefs into action by working to defend our right to keep and bear arms. When I worked as Representative Ted Yoho’s former Deputy Chief of Staff, I was proud to fight to protect our gun rights on Capitol Hill. You can be certain that when elected to Congress, I will continue Representative Yoho’s advocacy against any attempt by the Left to take those rights away.


Once we get past this crisis, and be assured that we will, I look forward to working on efforts to rebuild the American economy and outlining a new set of policies to protect our country in the future. Our plan begins with an America First policy designed to bring pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, processing, and IT back home to America. Securing our supply chain and national defense has never been a bigger priority than it is now. While it is easy to become disheartened and anxious, please remember that our Nation is strong, and the American people are resilient. We will get through this together and emerge tougher because of this.


Coming from a military family, veterans issues hit particularly close to home. For the last eight years as Congressman Yoho's  Deputy Chief of Staff, we've worked every kind of case you can imagine under the VA. Through that experience, I have learned the shortcomings of the system, but more importantly how to fix them. Our veterans deserve the best that we have to offer, but this just isn't happening with the current structure. Together, we have brought 4 new VA clinics to our district, recovered lost medals for veterans serving all the way back to WWI, recovered retroactive benefits for veterans, helped the appeals process and so much more. We must ensure that the men and women who wore the uniform are given the respect that they have earned and the tools that they need to succeed when they return home. That means access to the highest quality of healthcare, education opportunities, and support services, no matter the cost.


Washington does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem. We need bold leaders who will look to cut taxes, reform our tax code to make the system flatter and fairer, and significantly reduce spending. I believe that the greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic is our out-of-control spending and national debt. I have proudly signed the Americans for Tax Reform’s “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” where I promised you, the voter, that I will always oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and or businesses.


Our children are given the best opportunity for a quality education when we empower parents, educators, and local government officials. While the Left believes that bureaucrats in Washington know how to best educate our District’s children, I understand that it is parents who need to be in the driver’s seat. 

As your Representative in Washington, I will advocate for returning control of education back to the States, and our local parents and teachers. As a strong supporter of School Choice, I will fight to ensure that every student has access to education options that best suit their needs throughout the entirety of their education.


In Barack Obama's destructive wake as a result of failed Obamacare, consumers have seen a decrease in the quality of medical care while seeing sharp increases in cost. I will continue to fight for a full repeal of Obamacare and offer solutions for a replacement with a system that calls for greater consumer choice and transparency. I will advocate for policies that will allow individuals to purchase health insurance across state lines, for tort reform, and for increased transparency in healthcare costs. Furthermore, it is imperative that we renew the relationship between patients and doctors and seek to remove bureaucratic barriers that pretend to have a better understanding of an individual’s healthcare needs.


Farmers and ranchers work to feed the American people day-in and day-out. Our nation’s farmers care for our land and our people. They drive jobs, growth, and economic expansion for America. If elected, I will fight alongside the Trump Administration to bring production of produce, dairy, and meat production back to the United States, to secure our supply chains, and to increase national security. This is imperative for the future of farming in our country. Because of my strong relationships with farmers and ranchers across FL-03, I am proud to have earned the support of the Florida Farm Bureau FEDPAC.


I strongly support an “all of the above” energy policy. This would ensure our country becomes energy independent and increasingly less reliant on foreign countries for fuel and resources and help create good paying American jobs. Everything from the development of oil, liquid natural gas, clean coal, and other fossil fuels as well as alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro-power, nuclear, geothermal, and biomass must be on the table. We must then allow the free markets, not big government, to decide which energy sources are the safest and most cost-efficient methods for production.

