paul fetsko (1)

Paul's Priorities


Paul's Views at a Women for Responsible Legislation Candidate Forum

0.11 Background
0:22 Moral compass is love and to care for others the same way you love and care for yourself
0:28 Stand with Governor DeSantis and conservatives that indoctrination and socialism are not appropriate and no political agenda should be being brought into the classroom.
0:35 Public schools should be improved to be able to compete with homeschool and private schools
0:41 Teacher groups improve school district
0:49 Social workers are in every school and contact the home to involve parent with school and many use positive behavior strategies. Very successful for improving flow in classrooms. 
0:54 Christian values are brought into classroom by demonstration. Students are allowed to initiate prayer and groups
1:01 Financial and civics literacy is important but what do we take out. When a class is mandated, this impacts the students' schedules and their options.
1:05 Allowing biological males to