These are challenging times in public education with seemingly endless changes and increasing demands from state and federal governments. The health and safety concerns related to the pandemic are just the latest in a long list of challenges. Paul Fetsko is familiar with these issues faced by our schools, our students, our teachers and staff.
For nearly 40 years, Paul has worked tirelessly to make a positive impact as an educator and leader in Escambia County schools. Paul's experience, character, and commitment to student welfare is second to none. He knows that it takes more than great ideas to create excellence. Paul uses his experiences and training to work with other leaders to master the evolving challenges in the field of education.
As Escambia County Schools Board Member for District 2, Paul Fetsko has been ready, willing, and able to meet these challenges from Day One of his first term. He does not need to "get up to speed" on the issues. A vote to re-elect Paul Fetsko is a vote to carry on with the competence and compassion we need now and in the four years to come.
There are three areas in particular that must continue to take priority on the agenda.
The safety and security of our students and staff continues to be a critical concern. Paul advocates to constantly update, develop, and expand all the necessary state-of-the-art tools available to maintain the safety at our sites.
Escambia County is fortunate to have leadership in our school district that was and is proactive with regard to the safety and security of our students and staff. A security department was formed in 2001 and has increased in scope over the years. This department has plans in place to address virtually any emergency on our campuses. In light of the tragedies that have played out in schools across the country, we must be ever vigilant and remain current in all security practices on our campuses.
Academic achievement is at the very core of why our schools exist. Success involves and requires that educators, parents, staff, and community work as a united group to benefit students. Paul is committed to finding solutions to our achievement challenges.
Academic achievement is at the very core of our mission. All teachers possess the desire for their students to learn, grow, and aquire new knowledge and skills. No teachers want this more than the child's first teacher - their parents! Consequently, the bonds between the home and school must be strengthened and aligned to increase achievement.
In this day of high-stakes testing and grading of schools, too many other indicators of achievement in Escambia County are being ignored, including but not limited to:
- Ever increasing graduation rates
- Career academy enrollments, completions, and certifications earned
- District grade of "B" for 3 of the last 4 years
Despite these positive indicators, Escambia County Schools have room for improvement on our quest for excellence. This requires a well-developed, researched, and supported plan, implemented by highly trained and motivated teachers and leaders who are knowledgeable in the field of education and learning.
Highly trained and effective teachers are vital to student success. We must be competitive in recruiting and retaining an exemplary staff and assure that the most needy students are assigned to the most skilled and effective teachers to reach the highest potential of both.
Too often, we lose highly trained and effective teachers to surrounding districts that offer higher salaries. Paul believes we must continue to work on our finances in order to be competitive with these other districts and stop the outflow of talent that we have nurtured and trained. In addition, we must see that our most needy students are assigned to our most skilled teachers who have the full support of parents.
Paul firmly firmly adheres to the philosophy of Henry Ford, who said, "There is always a better way - find it!"
Vote to Re-elect Paul Fetsko for School Board District 2,
the proven leader our children deserve.
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