We all are familiar with the Lord’s prayer. The words, " thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." and yet since 1954 or more properly the passing of the Johnson Amendment pastors and churches have been silent. So if the church is not a participant how is it that God’s will can be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I am not among those pastors who have been silenced. In fact, through the " Pulpit Freedom Sunday" campaign of the ADF I along with up to 2,000 pastors have recorded yearly messages that violate the Johnson Amendment, and then mailed them to the IRS challenging them to take us to court. Crickets.
In my early years as a Fire Dept. Chaplain I was instructed by the Fire Board lawyer over and over that praying in Jesus name was not acceptable. Each month I would thank him and then proceed to pray, closing in Jesus name.
Later the fire board attempted to remove my chaplains page from the actual Fire Dept. page. At first the Department pulled it, but I protes