Davene Meehan's Articles (259)

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Issues I'm fighting for...


Sandy Casey US House.mp4 from Sandy Casey on Vimeo.

I Will Stand Up for the People of Tennessee and our Great Country!


Second Amendment

“The Right to Bear Arms.  A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

As your Representative, I will not vote for ANY legislation which erodes YOUR right to bear arms.  Likewise, I will stand resolute in funding any agency whose job it is to enforce laws which are on the books and work to defund those agencies which do not, including withholding federal funding from cities and states.  

Perhaps no more important time since our nation’s founding has this been such an important issue.  With the Leftist Progressives shouting (and denying) “Defund the Police,” the civil society’s first line of defense, while failing to denounce actual violence, vandalism, arson and theft much less take actions to stop such crimes, the next thing th

Meet Brown


It’s getting harder, not easier, to make a good living in Tennessee’s Ninth Congressional District. And it will take a lot of hard work to make things better. I’m ready to do that hard work if you are ready to send me to Washington DC.


We must get inflation under control. Our families deserve better.


Gas prices are particularly out of control. We need an energy plan that makes sense for America.


Policies that promote business ownership and home ownership will help build generational wealth.


Crime is trending in the wrong direction. We need every one of our communities to be safer.


Our children need greater access to academic and trade education after high school.


Veterans gave their best and they deserve our best. Let’s clear the VA backlog now.


Our struggling neighborhoods deserve to be lifted up, not

Conservative Warrior


"I'm fighting for conservative voices across West Tennessee, to put our government back to work for us." - Bob Hendry


I love America.  I love Tennessee.

Three decades ago I put down roots in Tennessee, where the love of my life Tracy and I raised seven children, have seven grandchildren, and own and operate our own businesses.  I'm a deeply devoted Christian and a fearless cultural and constitutional conservative

After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, I served thirteen years' active duty as a Marine Corps Infantry Officer.  After leaving the 'Corps, I came to Tennessee, worked at FedEx and GSK Pharmaceuticals, and Tracy and I now own our own business.

When our nation was attacked on September 11, 2001,  I returned to the Marine Corps after 8 years of a quiet life, running toward the sound of the guns...

      ...because that's what American Patriots do.


Why am I running


RINO Hunter 1776 shows that John Rose is not perfect but the only option and he really isn't bad.Good solid middle-of-the road candidate.






Securing our nation begins by protecting our borders and the sanctity of U.S. citizenship. Those who made it across the border illegally are protected in sanctuary cities and unfairly given advantages over those trying to enter the country legally.

John’s belief about effective immigration policy is three parts:

  1. Build a wall.
    • Continuing to build the wall along our southern border will aid in the enforcement of the law and will send a message that America is serious about the immigration problem.
  2. Enforce the law.
    • Our country has laws in place that govern immigration. Immigrants who are in the United States illegally are not “undocumented,” they are illegal and should face the consequences of breaking the law—deportation.
  3. Design a system that works.
    • We have to do better when it comes to temporary visa and guest worker programs. We need a sy

For a United Minnesota


CICELY DAVIS IS Unafraid OFHard Work

Born into a working-class family in Rochester, New York, Cicely moved to Minnesota where she was raised by a single parent and worked her entire life to build the success she has today.

When she and her mother moved to Minnesota, the lack of diversity presented a real challenge. But what Minnesota lacked in diversity was made up for in the realm of education, economic opportunity, and safety.

Now, she’s running for Congress to rebuild the Minnesota that captured her heart all those years ago.



CICELY DAVIS IS Unafraid OFSpeaking Up

When Barack Obama became president, Cicely found herself disappointed in his divisive leadership and empty promises.

Cicely was the State Director of BLEXIT MN, an organization founded by Candace Owens, where she championed entrepreneurship and empowers minority communities to escape government dependence.

As our congresswoman, Cicely will stand up to Marxism and end the weaponization of race by politicians

Fighting for the American Dream

Video Link for below: https://youtu.be/cIAIktjNPs0?list=TLGGt9VgT0COZ54xNTA4MjAyMg"Our American Dreams are under attack by the Left.

In the name of 'equity', they have diminished American values and destroyed businesses. It breaks my heart to see those dreams disappear in front of me."

- May Lor Xiong


My family were among the Hmong people that fled the communist rule in Laos during the Vietnam War. After seeking refuge in the Ban Vinai refugee camp in Thailand, we emigrated to America in 1987 to a better life. We did not know what would happen to us, and we were terrified of what the future may hold. We learned about the American Dream and pursued it passionately. While I am proud of my Hmong heritage, I am equally proud to be an American.

Our American Dreams are under attack by the Left. In the name of “equity”, they have diminished American values and destroyed businesses. It breaks my heart to see those dreams disappear in front of me. While not perfec

Service Leadership Patriotism

Tom believes in service, leadership, and America. He retired from the United States Navy with over 20 years of service after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. His love of family and home brought him back to Minnesota, and his love of country and desire to continue to serve led him to run to represent Minnesotans of the 3rd District. Tom was born in Corpus Christi, Texas, and raised in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. He graduated from Eden Prairie High School and then attended the University of Notre Dame, participating in the Navy ROTC program. Tom graduated with honors in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and was commissioned in the Navy in 2001. He served as a submarine officer for over 20 years. Tom is running to represent his fellow Minnesotans in Congress to fight for the country he loves and to ensure that each and every child has the opportunity to live his or her American dream.

My story begins in the farmland of western Minnesot



I’m running for Congress to “serve” – not to serve big business, not to serve the political elites – but to serve everyday Minnesotans who are increasingly concerned about our country’s future.

“We need representatives in D.C. who serve their districts, because America’s future is at stake. I’m a native Minnesotan who served 9 years active duty in the Marine Corps (most of which was in the elite Marine Special Operations unit, Marine Raiders), with four overseas tours, so I know service starts with protecting our nation – not open borders and defunding the police. Congress needs to serve our children and future generations with schools that educate, not indoctrinate. And we also need to serve  hard working everyday Americans with an economy that grows while cost of living and gas prices don’t.

I was born and raised in Minnesota, and after 9 years of active duty in the Marines, my wife Marie and I returned home to put down roots in Prior Lake. We’


I’m Jeremy Munson. Father. Patriot. Minnesotan.

Since being elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives four years ago, I have stood up to lobbyists and special interest groups to fight for what is right for the people of Minnesota.

Over the past two years, our Republic and Constitution have been under attack. Since day one, I have been with you in the trenches, fighting back against tyrannical executive edicts and defending our Constitution.

I’ve fought for our liberties whether they were being trampled by our Governor, the corporate media, or members of our own party…


And now, with your vote, I am ready to take on the DC Swamp, Dr. Fauci, and the political elites seeking to destroy our way of life.

In Congress, I will support the America-First agenda.

As a member of the Minnesota House, I spoke at protests against Governor Walz’s lockdowns, offered the first resolution to end the peacetime emergency, and filed lawsuits challenging the Governor for unilatera


Diana is an unapologetic conservative Trump Republican. She is running for Congress because she believes that our nation is at a tipping point. Fringe liberals threaten the future of our country with the false promises of socialism. They stand in the way of President Donald Trump’s progress and economic freedom. The president needs an outsider like himself in Congress that has his back. The president needs someone that is not beholden to political games or special interests, someone who understands what it takes to build a business and raise a family. The president needs Diana Harshbarger.


Career politicians – from both parties – have failed the American people and East Tennessee for years. They have had years to solve the problems that plague every day families and have had decades to change politics as usual. Enough is enough. When America’s future, and the futures of her son, her grandsons, and so many others in East Tennessee are on the line, it is time to get Tennessee Tough

Podcast found on One Page News

Rumble NorthWest LIberty News, July 25, 2022

Interview with Jane Rectenwald (Founder Montana Election Integrity Project) by James White (Host of Critical Disclosure Radio)

Brighteon Radio


Discerning Truth in a Sea of Lies

The founder and director of the Montana Election Integrity Project (MEIP), Jane Rectenwald joins me live to discuss the 2020 election steal and how it impacted America and Montana specifically


Exposing the truth.

Jane Rectenwald was elected to local government study commission in MIssoula in 2003. She  was on Citizen Court on Signature Envelopes July 2021. Found that over 5,000 votes in Missoula County being counted without corresponding signature envelopes showing chain of custody. Several counties besides Missoula received free Zuckerberg money.

Jane started the Montana Election Integrity Project to research and answer questions.  

Truth is something we have problems discussing. Let's not be adversaries but find what happened in 2

Article on Trib Live by Senator Kim Ward, July 24, 2022


A person drops off a mail-in ballot at an election ballot return box in Willow Grove Oct. 25, 2021. AP

The commonwealth’s 2022-23 budget and legislative package delivered many things for Pennsylvanians, but one of the most significant yet underlooked items was an issue that many Pennsylvanians said mattered most: election integrity.

The election integrity package recently put forth in Pennsylvania engages both the legislative and constitutional amendment processes. Through legislation, now Act 88, the state banned third-party, dark money from influencing elections. And popular provisions like voter ID and election audits moved one step closer to reality and will remain a decision for voters through the constitutional amendment process.

A Muhlenberg College poll found 40% of voters didn’t trust the results of the 2020 election, which proved accurate based on constituent contact with our offices. Rulings by the Pennsylvania Supreme Cour

The Congressman Our District Needs

Born and Raised in Missouri’s Sixth Congressional District.  Dakota Shultz knows that our representatives in Washington are out of touch with the people they are supposed to represent. 


A Vision For The Future

I see a future where the people we elect to fill the roles in our government are actually representing the people’s best interests and not corporations.


Dakota has a strong determination and a great work ethic that makes him stand out.  He is passionate about America and helping rebuild the great country that we all live in.  Dakota believes in strong American values.  He also believes in the American Dream;  Anyone, no matter their Race, Creed, Religion or Sex can do or be anything they want to be.  As long as you work hard, set goals and are determined to achieve them.  The world is yours.  That’s the America Dakota loves.


The brainwashing of the youth of Missouri has to stop.  The disregard for facts and radicalization has be

The Farrant Family

I have been married to my husband Jonathan for 20 years. We met as kids while our families were doing missions (charity) work in Central America. We both have a heart and passion to see the youth here in Orlando, as well as Central America, rise up to become leaders and adults with high morals and educational standards. I am so grateful to have a husband who fully supports me in this mission to become the next OCPS School Board Member for District 3.

As a mom of 5 children, my goal is to raise kind, loving, and courageous kids who grow up to be leaders wherever they go in life. By standing up for the youth of Orange County, I hope to show my own children that hard work and dedication can truly make a difference in the world around us.

God is at the core of everything we do. As a family we have been doing missions (charity) work overseas for 18 years. I have taught my children that serving is better than being served and to always care for those in need.

You can check out

Not a career politician; a man who serves country, community, and God.



Jerry was born and raised in New Madrid and Pemiscot counties in the Missouri Bootheel in the town of Portageville. His family farmed in the area, raising cotton, corn, and other crops. Jerry’s parents also owned and operated several full-service gas stations and garages during his childhood and young adult hood. Working in the cotton fields and tending the family service stations instilled a work ethic Jerry carries with him today. His parents raised 4 boys, Larry, Gary, Jerry, and Terry. All the Barham boys proudly served in the military during the VIETNAM era. Larry, the oldest, was killed in action during the Vietnam war in 1968. Larry’s life, and death, had a profound impact on Jerry’s life moving forward.

Jerry joined the US Navy in 1968, wanting to serve as his older brother had.  He attended Boot Camp at the Great Lakes Training Center in Great Lakes, Illinois.  From 1968-74, based

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭

God, give me strength to stand firm against the devil’s tactics. Remind me that my enemies are not people in front of me. When bad things happen, comfort me and flood my mind with truth. Do not let me forget that I belong to You, and You fight for me. In Jesus name, Amen


Article by American Thinker by Jay Valentine, July 20, 2022

The soul of phantom voter fraud is the occasional, non-committed voter.  They show up at the last minute, delivering winning margins.

10666614668?profile=RESIZE_710xImage: cagdesign via , .

Actually, nobody shows up.  Nor does anyone return an absentee ballot.

That magic comes from a wonderful customer service innovation, the Phantom Voter Concierge, who casts the non-committed voters' votes for them.

Let's go there.

Voter rolls are crammed with millions of voters who seldom, occasionally, or never vote.


Democrat-leaning organizations run voter registration drives in edge communities, collecting identities they expect will never vote.

You remember ACORN registering drug addicts on city streets?  You might have said, "Why, they will never vote!"

They aren't expected to vote.  They are simply voter identity placeholders later used by vote-harvesters.

State-funded groups like ERIC are paid by a dozen state governments, some with clueless Republican governors, to make su