kim ward (1)

Article on Trib Live by Senator Kim Ward, July 24, 2022


A person drops off a mail-in ballot at an election ballot return box in Willow Grove Oct. 25, 2021. AP

The commonwealth’s 2022-23 budget and legislative package delivered many things for Pennsylvanians, but one of the most significant yet underlooked items was an issue that many Pennsylvanians said mattered most: election integrity.

The election integrity package recently put forth in Pennsylvania engages both the legislative and constitutional amendment processes. Through legislation, now Act 88, the state banned third-party, dark money from influencing elections. And popular provisions like voter ID and election audits moved one step closer to reality and will remain a decision for voters through the constitutional amendment process.

A Muhlenberg College poll found 40% of voters didn’t trust the results of the 2020 election, which proved accurate based on constituent contact with our offices. Rulings by the Pennsylvania Supreme Cour