district 6 (4)


"Our positive message and the conservative solutions we’ve delivered for some of Louisiana’s biggest challenges are working." - GARRET GRAVES



Garret Graves is a RINO but the best choice at this time. He doesn't sound like one, but here is the evidence.

He has over $2 Million dollars for his campaign. And no one else has money listed.


His grassroot donations are not even a third of a percent. So practically 100% of his funding is large contributions and PAC.




Garret Graves--

  1. Voted for Doubling the budget of the national science foundation (a lot of climate change): http://ratings.conservative.org/bills/US-house-RC186
  2. Voted for Covid-19 hate crimes act: http://ratings.conservative.org/bills/US-house-RC145
  3. Voted for overriding the budget sequester restrainst so that money could be spent:  http://ratings.conservative.org/bills/US-house-RC98
  4. Voted for $50 BILLION on climate change: http://ratings.conservative.org/bills/US-house-RC187
  5. Voted for ad

Government site and Campaign site

"I work for you, and your priorities are my priorities."


Glenn Grothman is honored and proud to serve the people of Wisconsin’s 6th congressional district.

Now in his fourth term in Congress, Glenn was first elected to Congress in 2014. Serving on the House Oversight and Reform, Budget, and Education and Labor Committees, Glenn has been fiercely fighting to protect and create Wisconsin manufacturing jobs, advance welfare reform, secure our borders, and cut federal spending.

The 6th District has the most manufacturing jobs of any congressional district in the nation. Manufacturers have been facing many challenges from complicated and burdensome regulations to struggling to find workers with the skills to fill their openings, which has only been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Glenn has been a vocal advocate for Wisconsin manufacturing and the over 80,000 6th district residents who work in this critical industry. When the pandemic hit, Gle


RINO Hunter 1776 shows that John Rose is not perfect but the only option and he really isn't bad.Good solid middle-of-the road candidate.






Securing our nation begins by protecting our borders and the sanctity of U.S. citizenship. Those who made it across the border illegally are protected in sanctuary cities and unfairly given advantages over those trying to enter the country legally.

John’s belief about effective immigration policy is three parts:

  1. Build a wall.
    • Continuing to build the wall along our southern border will aid in the enforcement of the law and will send a message that America is serious about the immigration problem.
  2. Enforce the law.
    • Our country has laws in place that govern immigration. Immigrants who are in the United States illegally are not “undocumented,” they are illegal and should face the consequences of breaking the law—deportation.
  3. Design a system that works.
    • We have to do better when it comes to temporary visa and guest worker programs. We need a sy

The Congressman Our District Needs

Born and Raised in Missouri’s Sixth Congressional District.  Dakota Shultz knows that our representatives in Washington are out of touch with the people they are supposed to represent. 


A Vision For The Future

I see a future where the people we elect to fill the roles in our government are actually representing the people’s best interests and not corporations.


Dakota has a strong determination and a great work ethic that makes him stand out.  He is passionate about America and helping rebuild the great country that we all live in.  Dakota believes in strong American values.  He also believes in the American Dream;  Anyone, no matter their Race, Creed, Religion or Sex can do or be anything they want to be.  As long as you work hard, set goals and are determined to achieve them.  The world is yours.  That’s the America Dakota loves.


The brainwashing of the youth of Missouri has to stop.  The disregard for facts and radicalization has be