Search Results (55)



List with Research by RinoHunter 1776 in regard to each state

Gives voter information and the reason to vote for each candidate. You will see how the situation looks, what about other candidates, and if you need to start getting ready to primary a RINO.


Alabama -- Bring on the Red Tide!

Governor, US Senate and US House

Kay Ivey (R)

Katie Britt (R)

Jerry Carl (R), District 1
Barry Moore (R), District 2
Mike Rogers (R), District 3
Robert Aderholt (R), District 4
Dale Strong (R), District 5
Gary Palmer (R), District 6
Beatrice Nichols (R), District 7


Alaska -- Land of the Midnight Brilliant Red!

Governor, US Senate and US House

Learn the Ranked Choice Voting System
by Going to


My understanding is that you vote for one category. So for governor--only mark Dunleavy in the first category. Leave the others blank. You would do the same thing for Tshibaka


Graphic by @mashiah48901,

Heard Don Bongino say something like this: Most Republicans in Congress are actually Democrats. No Democrat in Congress is a Republican. Most Republicans will trash us, but ALL Democrats will DESTROY our country. 

Yes, this means we are voting for the lesser of two evils. Do we jump into the hot springs of Yellowstone or into an active volcano cauldron? 

In the PRIMARY we fight tooth and nail to vanquish RINOS but this November we only have two real choices Republican or Democrat. All the write-ins, Independents, and Libertarians, etc.--simply split a conservative vote.  Vote Republican. Period.


The RINO Hunter explains when to NOT vote for a RINO. When to vote for a RINO. And why.

10810497071?profile=RESIZE_400xFirst we need to decide where we are headed for our country.

We want America First

  1. America First
  2. Responsible spending
  3. Lower taxes
  4. Policy and spending that is for America
  5. 1st amendment rights
  6. 2nd amendment rights
  7. Secure borders
  8. End abortion
  9. Strong defense
  10. Freedom in Education
  11. Protect v

Enough of the Nonsense!

"I’ll stop the nonsense and fight to return Louisiana, and the country, back to their great potential!"

I’m not a politician, but like you I’m fed up with the fools and fanatics in government destroying and our lives and freedoms while living by a different set of rules for themselves. It’s time for it to end!

Only a few short years ago, Louisiana was a state of economic growth, a worldwide tourist destination where millions came to celebrate its distinctive beauty, and one-of-a-kind food, festivals, and culture. Today, it’s a grim shadow of its former self.

Under Democratic rule New Orleans has become the murder capital of America! Homicides are up 155%, Carjackings are up 191%, and the homeless crisis is out of control.

Combined with some of the most burdensome business regulations in the country, people who once called Louisiana home are now calling it quits!

LA is 25th among states in total population, yet ranked 5th in people leaving, while surrounding states li

Together We WIll Restore America

Right now the stakes are too high to sit back and hope for the best.  We find ourselves at a defining moment in history that demands integrity and personal sacrifice from its citizens.  The current political atmosphere is so toxic that most citizens fear for themselves and their family if they were to challenge the status quo. Cancel-Culture is real!


I am a lover of the United States Constitution and believe that “we the people retain the power” to self-govern and have the inherent right to live free from government oppression and interference. I further believe that all public servants should pledge to uphold
the U.S. Constitution and promote an America First agenda.


My Mission

Right now the stakes are too high to sit back and hope for the best.  We find ourselves at a defining moment in history that demands integrity and personal sacrifice from its citizens.  The current politi

The Change We Need and Leadership We Deserve


Election Integrity

One of the cornerstones that glues us together in America is having free and fair elections.  There are too many Americans that believe the 2020 election was fraudulently manipulated and thus stolen; this should be absolutely unacceptable to both Democrats & Republicans alike.  There are two questions that we must continuously answer after each election; was it secure and what does the public perceive about it being secure?  

In order to secure our process and restore public trust we must consider the following.

  • Stop the push to federalize elections and hold all involved to the letter of the constitution
  • Require voter ID because any argument with regard to voter suppression is baseless and only serves as a political talking point by radicals and our media.
  • If it is a computer with software or is connected to the internet, it can be hacked with the right motivation.  Therefore I am a big fan of paper ballots.

Secure Our Border




November 16, 2022



Election Integrity

Free and fair elections are the foundation upon which America has been built. We need mandatory voter identification. Ensure elections do not fall under liberal power grab to federalize election laws. Routine audits to ensure compliance. Currency-grade ballots that cannot be forged. Abolish all electronic vote-counting or tabulation machines with internet access.  

Jobs & Economy 

We must continue to cut taxes and needless regulation to encourage economic growth and help working people and their families. Biden’s plan includes 30 tax hikes that would eliminate 165,000 jobs and shrink wages by 0.8%.  

Border Security

 Finish The Wall. Stop the inflow of illegal immigrants. End Sanctuary Cities. Enforce mandatory E-Verify, including penalties. Those with work visas must pay taxes on wages earned. Immediate deportation for anyone engaging in criminal acts. ICE removal of all criminals and gang members (jail for anyone that recrosses

America First. Always.


The Gaetz, Lombardo decision has been the most difficult. Gaetz has several issues as can be seen in the video by RINO Hunter 1776

However, it is difficult to ignore that Lombardo has come late in the game. And most damning,he appears to have funding from the Lincoln Project.The Lincoln Project is known for anti-Trumpers and sexual molestation of 21 young men. 

Also Gaetz is appearing with Jim Jordan tomorrow and although Jim Jordan is seen on a TV ad saying positive things about Gaetz he is not blatently endorsing him. 

So Vote for Gaetz, August 23, 2022. 


When so many political savvy people have decided that Gaetz is the lesser of two evils, it clinches the decision to support Matt Gaetz. But I do hope someone rises up because this will be his 4th term and we do not want to have life time career politicians. Get into office, work hard, represent your constituents, and go back home.


Actually voted to expand govenment land control: http://ratings.conserva

America First

I am NOT a politician. I am a local business owner, veteran and God-fearing Christian, who believes in “America first” and knows how to get things done. I am running for Congress because I swore an oath to support and defend the constitution, and our values are under attack.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past two years, you have witnessed that the situation is dire. We have seen our freedoms stripped away, and our values come under attack like never before. The media and the current administration are more concerned about using preferential pronouns to not offend people, rather than actually standing up for freedom.

Local, state and federal government agencies have enacted mandates and claimed powers, which are completely unconstitutional, and it’s time to put an end to that overreach.

I am a God-loving, pro-gun, pro-law enforcement, pro-military, pro-free-speech, Constitution-loving, fiscally conservative, libertarian-minded, decorated war veteran, Republican, w


Inflation and Taxes

Inflation & Taxes

Mac has served around the globe in senior positions in both war and peacetime. He is an engineer and a businessman. He has seen firsthand how the actions in D.C. have far reaching and dire consequences internationally, that will then impact the citizens of Central Florida. Reckless “Tax & Spend” policies must stop.

America was energy independent and enjoyed low inflation. Now at a 40-year high, we are begging dictators for oil. Surging prices for food, energy and shelter are destroying our paychecks. Mac will bring sanity and control to Washington where taxes, corruption and wasteful spending are destroying our National Security and our way of life.


Military Strength & Law Enforcement

Mac spent years in D.C. as a Navy Captain overseeing the production of our next generation stealth fighter jet, the F-35. He has a lifetime of military experience from Asia to Afghanistan. Our military cannot sacrifice readiness and strength over “diversity” and “equity”. The only

My Priorities

America First. Always.

It's time to fight for our nation, our freedoms, and our conservative values. We can't afford to send another weak leader to Washington. I've always been a fighter, and I won't stop now.

Restore Election Integrity

The integrity of our election system is the foundation of our republic as enshrined in our Constitution.

  • I willl support using voting equipment and systems that prevent cyber-attacks and only count votes without interference or manipulation.
  • I support measures that will add "Citizen" to any form of Voter ID barcoded card to show that the individual is a legal citizen.
  • I will support using watermarked paper ballots to stop illegal ballots from bein counted.
  • I will promote those states which verify voter rolls yearly without federal interference.

Energize the Economy and Stop Generational Theft

Stop stealing from our kids' future to pay for our present! The national debt of the United States is approaching over $30 trillion.

  • I will work to end unconsti

RINO Hunter 1776

Warning! Language!

US Representatives for Congress

District 1--Mark Lombardo --


District 2--Neal Dunn (RINO but only option) --


District 3--Kat Cammack, but watch her --


District 4--Jon Chuba --


District 5--Luna Lopez --

Have been told by Mara that items above have been debunked. See


District 6--Charles Davis --

You have to vote for this man because no one else with money is running against him in the primaries.  Someone please, please run against him next time. 

Florida Republican Primary for US House Districts 8 and 9 - August 23, 2022

You can look at his website.


1. Voted for Covid-19 hate crimes act

2. Voted to override sequester restraints (to spend more of our money)

3. Voted AGAINST reducing foreign aid spending (and it would have been a 5% cut)

4. Voted to channel additional billions of dollars to Puerto Rico even though the initial money sent DID NOT even go to the citizens!

5. Voted AGAINST reducing funding for EPA and Department of Interior to levels requested by Trump administration

6. Voted to mandate diversity reporting

7. Voted to re-impose net neutrality regulations on the internet. (this stops open competition, and controls the internet)

8. Voted to permanently authorize the land and water conservation fund (they take your money to buy your land and you do not hav

The Farrant Family

I have been married to my husband Jonathan for 20 years. We met as kids while our families were doing missions (charity) work in Central America. We both have a heart and passion to see the youth here in Orlando, as well as Central America, rise up to become leaders and adults with high morals and educational standards. I am so grateful to have a husband who fully supports me in this mission to become the next OCPS School Board Member for District 3.

As a mom of 5 children, my goal is to raise kind, loving, and courageous kids who grow up to be leaders wherever they go in life. By standing up for the youth of Orange County, I hope to show my own children that hard work and dedication can truly make a difference in the world around us.

God is at the core of everything we do. As a family we have been doing missions (charity) work overseas for 18 years. I have taught my children that serving is better than being served and to always care for those in need.

You can check out

April 20, 2023


Biden Regime’s Seven-Year Prison Sentence for Green Beret Jan 6 WhistleblowerRe-Opens Festering Wounds of Fedsurrection Lie

December 8, 2022


Live Update from Tampa: Retired Green Beret Jeremy Brown’s Attorney: FBI “Planted” Evidence In His Trial

November 18, 2022

 After Being Incarcerated for Over 13 months, Jan. 6 Prisoner Jeremy Brown Will Finally Have His Day in Court on Dec.5

"While I’ve been held in maximum security jail for 414 days in a row," Brown said, “I am innocent until proven guilty."

Epoch Times article

Jeremy Brown speaks to Abundant Life for 5 minutes at 29 minutes in, October 14, 2022.


We are at a place that we are like those getting ready to jump from an airplane at night, miles up in the sky. The world below looks so small.

Fear and doubt are normal. Only training and the knowledge of our equipment gives us the strength to jump.

The Bible tells us that our world is going to be like that. As we look at it, we

About Jordan



I come from a family of veterans and have served my country honorably for almost 9 years. I helped initiate two lawsuits against the unlawful shot mandates and I continue to help our veterans who are being persecuted for their religious beliefs. I am not afraid to fight and I will not back down. I will work tirelessly, as I always have, to fix our country. Help me bring integrity back to our government.  


  • Election Integrity- Audit 2020!
  • Medical Freedom- No Mandates 
  • Pro-Life 
  • 2A 
  • National Security 
  • Quality Education Teaching Pro-American values


The 2020 elections were unconstitutional! The current administration is destroying our country. We need to AUDIT 2020.  We The People deserve honest and secure elections! I pledge to do all I can to audit our elections, win or lose. 


We have a government implementing unlawful policy. We have a right to medical freedom- EVEN IN THE MILITARY. I pledge to do everything to keep