Together We WIll Restore America
Right now the stakes are too high to sit back and hope for the best. We find ourselves at a defining moment in history that demands integrity and personal sacrifice from its citizens. The current political atmosphere is so toxic that most citizens fear for themselves and their family if they were to challenge the status quo. Cancel-Culture is real!
I am a lover of the United States Constitution and believe that “we the people retain the power” to self-govern and have the inherent right to live free from government oppression and interference. I further believe that all public servants should pledge to uphold
the U.S. Constitution and promote an America First agenda.

“I am confident in our Victory, I believe we will restore our Country!”
My Mission
Right now the stakes are too high to sit back and hope for the best. We find ourselves at a defining moment in history that demands integrity and personal sacrifice from its citizens. The current political atmosphere is so toxic that most citizens fear for themselves and their family if they were to challenge the status quo. Cancel-Culture is real! People have lost their livelihoods and liberties as a result of voicing their opinions; so, standing up for liberty and freedom is not for the faint of heart.
“All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” commonly credited to Edmund Burke
Friends, our government has become so large and overlording that good men and women must stand up and step forward to restore this country. I am stepping up and accepting this challenge, but I cannot do it alone. This is a time that ALL patriots must act, as if our lives and our children’s lives depended upon it!
I grew up in a rural part of Osceola County, Florida amongst citrus growers, cattle ranchers and schools that took off for rodeo day. There, I learned the value of hard work, faith, and love of community. To this day these local values are the compass that direct my decisions. It was commitment to do the hard work that propelled me through law school at night, after working full-time during the day. After years of practicing law in another firm, I eventually opened my own law practice in 2012, where I continue to litigate civil and appellate cases.
My faith in God is fuels my passion and strengthens my commitment to my community and my country. I am an active member of my local church, through whom I serve my community by volunteering to serve meals to the needy, to shut ins and to the elderly. I have further served my community by donating my legal services to assist the marginalized.
Time is of the essence!
As your Representative, I will fight for our District, our State, and our Country! It is time to elect patriots who are bold and fearless, and who are willing to be the voice of Americans. I am answering the call to restore America by standing up to the establishment, speaking the truth, and governing with integrity.
May it be said in the chronicles of history
That 2022 was the year that The American People
Reclaimed their government and restored America.
What We Can Achieve Together
As a litigator, Jennifer Raybon has a proven track record as a fighter and an advocate; and, as your Congresswoman, I am ready to fight the Washington D.C. establishment to protect your rights, and to be your advocate Washington D.C.
Free Speech: First Amendment
Election Integrity
Energy Independence
Anti-Critical Race Theory
Balanced Budget Fiscal Responsibilitiy
Individual & Medical Right To Privacy
Religious Liberty
Entrepreneurship Support Small Business
Support Law Enforcement
Eradicate Human Trafficking
Border Security Legal Immigrtion
Right To Bear Arms
Jennifer Raybon for Congress Reawakening Tour
Trevor Loudon speaking of the great candidate Jennifer Raybon
After extensive review, thought, and prayer I believe that your incredible fighting spirit, dedication to your community, and your belief in American ideals of Freedom and Liberty are exactly what’s needed to represent the people.
I feel that our nation needs more dedicated, self-made leaders who understand the lives of hardworking Americans and who have overcome adversity in their lives through a strong connection to God and the hard work for which our nation is known.
Combined with your professional commitment to counsel and defend the rights of those in need, you embody the essence of what our founders envisioned for servant leadership. I wish you the very best of luck in your mission to serve, and I’m excited to support you however I can.
Jennifer’s motto “Today we will move forward” is an embodiment of who she is with optimism, hope and the change her District needs. Jennifer is God first, America first. She is a Constitutionalist who understands “We the people retain power” to self-govern and have the inherent right to live free from government oppression and interference”-cited: Jennifer also believes that all public servants should pledge to uphold the US Constitution and promote the America First agenda.
Jennifer’s key issues that she is prepared to fight for and uphold; Free Speech, Election Integrity, Energy Independence, Anti Critical Race Theory, Balance Budget Fiscal Responsibility, Individual and Medical Right to Privacy, Religious Liberty, Support of Small Business, Support Law Enforcement, Eradicate Human Trafficking, Border Security and the Right to Bear Arms. Jennifer exudes strength, wisdom, charisma, intelligence, compassion and policies superior to her opponents. She is who District 18 needs to ensure their God given rights blessed by the US Constitution are being upheld.
Republican Liberty Caucus