candidate (141)

What I Stand For...

If elected for Florida State House, District 22, I will stand by my constituents, fight for them, and serve them well. THIS is the right time, and I AM the right choice!

-Tayari Appiah



Limited Government 

Too many times government has overreached its boundaries. Government should have checks and balances to ensure compliance.

Constitution As Written 

The Constitution is a timeless document that the foundation of America was built on. To stray away from it is to take away our God-given rights.

Pro-Second Amendment 

As American citizens, it is our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Not only to protect ourselves and our families but most importantly to protect our freedom.

Election Integrity 

Laws should be in place to make it harder to cheat and easier for our American citizens to have their voices heard.

Medical Freedom 

All medical decisions should stem from the individual or the parent/legal guardian. We all know what is best for us, and us alone.



On Truth and On Facebook


Bringing Public Service Back to Politics
Stan McDaniels


Interviewing Jan 6 citizen journalist who was just sentenced on November 3, 2022.



"Growing up, I got to see the product of all the corruption that has gone on in this town for such a long time," McDaniels said. "And I'm tired of seeing it all happen."

He seems to be everywhere, stomping for freedom, red, white, and blue. His is a David and Goliath story. He is unstoppable. 

You will find him with his "suit" t-shirt and now his amazing patriotic suit emblazoned with American flags on the collar.


He is outspoken and fearless. He is at car shows and on 4th of July he was seen open carry in downtown Pensacola with a constitution in his hand wishing everyone Happy Independence Day. At least until 5,6 hours later when he was reported. 


He interviews homeless, go


May be an image of 4 people, child, people standing, suit and text that says 'FAMILY FIRST E R FRANK ..ுரனர. P บ B c N POLO FL A For U.S. S.CONGRESS'



Our policies are focused on protecting our families, liberty, and the traditional values ​​that made America great. After this crisis that has left our country’s economy devastated, we must resolve the problems of America First. Therefore, we want to implement policies that are going to help district 27 to get back on its feet. Nothing better to accomplish this than getting better-paid jobs, better and more affordable access to quality education, more affordable access to healthcare, and occupational on-the-job training.


Our Policies on The Issues

    Judicial Misconduct is one of the worse problems our American people are living in today. Families are suffering from improper conduct of the Judiciary and many children are left without the presence of one of their parents due to Judicial misconduct.
    Our brave men

The Issues We Face


Ladies and Gentlemen, mi BEAUTIFUL Amiga Lavern Spicer has arrived! 😂🥰🤗 BEST ADS EVER!!!


EP 51 | Diamond and Silk talked to Lavern Spicer about her Congress run


Our elected officials are meant to be public servants, not lifelong political albatrosses. The Founders believed civilian leaders should serve in government for a limited period of time, get the job done, and then go back to being a civilian.


Today’s do-nothing problematic government has been ushered in by lobbyists and corrupt people who are in government not to serve the people, but to line their own pockets ad infinitum. My solution is that all Senators be limited to ONE six-year terms, with the people deciding BY VOTE whether they should remain. Furthermore, I propose that the House stops having elections every two years. From the moment a new Congressperson gets to Washington, they are campaigning for re-election. When do they have time to work for their constituents?

I propose that

America First. Always.


The Gaetz, Lombardo decision has been the most difficult. Gaetz has several issues as can be seen in the video by RINO Hunter 1776

However, it is difficult to ignore that Lombardo has come late in the game. And most damning,he appears to have funding from the Lincoln Project.The Lincoln Project is known for anti-Trumpers and sexual molestation of 21 young men. 

Also Gaetz is appearing with Jim Jordan tomorrow and although Jim Jordan is seen on a TV ad saying positive things about Gaetz he is not blatently endorsing him. 

So Vote for Gaetz, August 23, 2022. 


When so many political savvy people have decided that Gaetz is the lesser of two evils, it clinches the decision to support Matt Gaetz. But I do hope someone rises up because this will be his 4th term and we do not want to have life time career politicians. Get into office, work hard, represent your constituents, and go back home.


Actually voted to expand govenment land control: http://ratings.conserva

America First

I am NOT a politician. I am a local business owner, veteran and God-fearing Christian, who believes in “America first” and knows how to get things done. I am running for Congress because I swore an oath to support and defend the constitution, and our values are under attack.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past two years, you have witnessed that the situation is dire. We have seen our freedoms stripped away, and our values come under attack like never before. The media and the current administration are more concerned about using preferential pronouns to not offend people, rather than actually standing up for freedom.

Local, state and federal government agencies have enacted mandates and claimed powers, which are completely unconstitutional, and it’s time to put an end to that overreach.

I am a God-loving, pro-gun, pro-law enforcement, pro-military, pro-free-speech, Constitution-loving, fiscally conservative, libertarian-minded, decorated war veteran, Republican, w


Inflation and Taxes

Inflation & Taxes

Mac has served around the globe in senior positions in both war and peacetime. He is an engineer and a businessman. He has seen firsthand how the actions in D.C. have far reaching and dire consequences internationally, that will then impact the citizens of Central Florida. Reckless “Tax & Spend” policies must stop.

America was energy independent and enjoyed low inflation. Now at a 40-year high, we are begging dictators for oil. Surging prices for food, energy and shelter are destroying our paychecks. Mac will bring sanity and control to Washington where taxes, corruption and wasteful spending are destroying our National Security and our way of life.


Military Strength & Law Enforcement

Mac spent years in D.C. as a Navy Captain overseeing the production of our next generation stealth fighter jet, the F-35. He has a lifetime of military experience from Asia to Afghanistan. Our military cannot sacrifice readiness and strength over “diversity” and “equity”. The only

My Priorities

America First. Always.

It's time to fight for our nation, our freedoms, and our conservative values. We can't afford to send another weak leader to Washington. I've always been a fighter, and I won't stop now.

Restore Election Integrity

The integrity of our election system is the foundation of our republic as enshrined in our Constitution.

  • I willl support using voting equipment and systems that prevent cyber-attacks and only count votes without interference or manipulation.
  • I support measures that will add "Citizen" to any form of Voter ID barcoded card to show that the individual is a legal citizen.
  • I will support using watermarked paper ballots to stop illegal ballots from bein counted.
  • I will promote those states which verify voter rolls yearly without federal interference.

Energize the Economy and Stop Generational Theft

Stop stealing from our kids' future to pay for our present! The national debt of the United States is approaching over $30 trillion.

  • I will work to end unconsti


U.S. House 9 Republican Debate between Scotty Moore, Jose Castillo, Sergio Ortiz and Adianis Morales.


Watch the Debate to be an Informed Voter


Fire Pelosi.

It is long overdue for Speaker Pelosi to be ousted from her Speakership role. After presiding over two sham impeachments and doing her best to ram through a progressive, far left, out of touch agenda, it is time the American people use their voice at the ballot box in November, flip District 9 from blue to Red, take back the House, fire Nancy Pelosi, and Save America!

Protect Life.

All forms of life, from the womb to the grave are sacred. I am a 100% pro-life Christian. I will work tirelessly to protect the rights of all unborn children. I will work to cut federal funding for abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood and make sure that Roe is not codified in law.

Secure our Southern Border.

Joe Biden’s radical left agenda has left our southern border porous. Democrats in Congress have no problem sending billions of dollars to Uk

America First Patriot with Financial Background



Video of Introduction

Vote for Charles E Davis

For U.S. REPRESENTATIVE District 6 Florida

Hello… I’m Charles E. Davis and I’m running for U.S. Congress for District 6 FLORIDA: Geographically this includes Flagler, Volusia and portions of Marion, St. Johns’, Lake & Putnam Counties.


  • I have been in the Financial Investment Business for over 38 years.
  • I am 100% Conservative with strong Economic values and background.
  • I believe in enforcing All Constitutional Rights for Everyone.
  • We must Finish the Wall and protect our Borders against Illegal Immigration and Drug Smugglers.
  • I strongly believe Our Children’s Minds are the Future of the United States of America. Make Proper Education Great Again! 
  • I stand Firmly with growing our Powerful  Military Forces.  This will create Peace, not War.
  • We must improve  our Health Care and Benefits for all.
  • I st

The August 23rd is the Republican Primary is upon us....

Article by Florida News Report, August 6, 2022

Click above link for latest updates and comments.

List of Candidates


If you are a registered Republican, your election day is AUGUST 23rd. Know who you are voting for - sources you trust, not the mainstream media or the local newspapers which are paid to endorse certain candidates. Vote like your life depended on it - because it probably does.


How many times in the past two years have you wondered, “How did we get here?”

We got here because almost every August Republican Primary has less than 30% voter turn out.

GOP voters who are unfamiliar with the way or when the Republican Primary election decides between constitutional conservative Republicans and RINO candidates don’t participate. And those who do —— the Republican Super Voters —— whose numbers are small, but are reliable, are targeted in every possible medium by the RINO Establishment. They tend

Fighting to Restore American Liberty

With God, all things are possible

I Believe In The American Dream

I’m the great-grandchild of European immigrants, and the grandchild of war veterans. I was born in 1979 on Veteran’s Day in Toledo and grew up in the old Polish village, right off Lagrange Street.

I graduated from Calvin M. Woodward, joined the United States Air Force, got a master’s degree and certification in Project Management, and spent many years in both the Nuclear and Automotive Industry.

I know what it’s like to work hard and achieve the American Dream and I want to keep the same opportunity available to all of you!


Politicians need to stop telling us, “We can’t,” and start asking us, “How can we help?”

A leader is only as good as their team and an elected official is only as good as their constituents. Sure, a bad leader or politician with a strong team may be viewed as successful but only in an artificial sense. When public opinion wanes due to a lack of trust or follow t

Meet Shaun Clarmont

Facebook Page

Hello, I want to become the U.S. Congressional Representative for the 8th District of Wisconsin.

My name is Shaun Clarmont.

I come before you with great concern for the future of our country. I am a Wisconsin native and I live and operate a small business in the Northeast Wisconsin community. I have established a solid business and I have lived a fulfilling life in the Green Bay area. For this I feel a great sense of obligation to give back to the community which gave me the opportunity to succeed. I am a God fearing conservative running on the Republican ballot and these are my beliefs.


I am a patriot and constitutional conservative.

I believe in one God and utilize Judaeo Christian values.

I am a gun owner and I support the second amendment.

I believe in free speech and the necessity of a free and honest media.

I believe in supporting our civilian police force.

I believe in

Government Site and Campaign Site



Tom Tiffany has deep roots in Wisconsin. He grew up on a dairy farm in Elmwood, Wisconsin, received an agricultural degree from UW-River Falls and went on to be a successful small business owner.

Tom and his wife Chris owned and operated Wilderness Cruises in Wisconsin’s beautiful Northwoods for 20 years, and he served as the damtender on the Willow Flowage for 29 years. Yes, he was a dam man!

Tom served as a supervisor in the Town of Little Rice for two terms and ran for State Assembly in 2010 when the state was mired in high unemployment and soaring budget deficits. After two years in the State Assembly, Tom was elected to the State Senate where he helped balance the budget and worked tirelessly to protect private property rights and defend the Second Amendment and our region’s rich hunting and fishing heritage.

Tom believes the same common-sense that defines northern and western Wisconsin is sorely needed in Washington

Government site and Campaign site

"I work for you, and your priorities are my priorities."


Glenn Grothman is honored and proud to serve the people of Wisconsin’s 6th congressional district.

Now in his fourth term in Congress, Glenn was first elected to Congress in 2014. Serving on the House Oversight and Reform, Budget, and Education and Labor Committees, Glenn has been fiercely fighting to protect and create Wisconsin manufacturing jobs, advance welfare reform, secure our borders, and cut federal spending.

The 6th District has the most manufacturing jobs of any congressional district in the nation. Manufacturers have been facing many challenges from complicated and burdensome regulations to struggling to find workers with the skills to fill their openings, which has only been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Glenn has been a vocal advocate for Wisconsin manufacturing and the over 80,000 6th district residents who work in this critical industry. When the pandemic hit, Gle


It is time for change. Let's move Wisconsin Forward together. United, we can make the changes needed. 

- Tim Rogers 



We need to dissect the school budget to understand where the money is being spent. The Milwaukee School District is one of the worst school districts in the nation, even though they have one of the largest education budgets in the country. There are several ways to prevent poverty. One is through education. Urban schools throughout the country, including Milwaukee Public Schools, have failed our students for decades. Many students are graduating without being literate in reading and math. I support School Choice and School Voucher programs. In many urban districts, these programs have proven to be the best option to let students reach their full potential. We must not let school districts spend excessive amounts of money on educational methods that have been proven to fail urban communities. We must not let any more of our children graduate w

Meet Charity

This is my country and I believe in her, and I believe in her flag, and I’ll defend her, and I’ll fight for her and serve her.
General Daniel “Chappie” James

10746020286?profile=originalI have been a constituent of the Second Congressional District of Wisconsin all my life, and I understand the frustration we all have when our politicians do not actively represent the needs of the people. For years, we have been represented by Mark Pocan and his Socialist Policies. It is time for our voice in Washington to be Of, By, and For the People.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of EVIL, is for Good Men to do nothing, as they must if they believe they can do nothing.”

~ Sir Edmund Burke
  EconomicsOur representatives in Congress need to remember that they are spending Your Money I stand for a balanced budget and responsible spending. The current state of our economy and the historic inflation rates we see every day are the direct result of irresponsible budgeting and spending in Congress. I will do my be



“America faces an energy crisis perpetuated by Joe Biden. We need real leadership and a plan that will consistently provide enough supply at a lower price point.”

– Amanda Adkins

Energy Security and a Healthy Environment

Under the auspices of limiting America’s climate impact, the Biden Administration has stressed the U.S. economy by forcing an energy transition that is costly to American families and businesses, while actually doing very little to protect the environment. As Americans continue to struggle with the rising costs of goods and services, and record-high energy prices, we must pursue policies that increase U.S. energy supply, encourage innovation – including clean energy options – and contribute to American security.

It is possible to pursue policies that decrease energy prices, increase U.S. energy security and promote a healthy environment, which is why I support: 

  1. Increasing domestic supply of energy. Near-term needs include easing regulatory requirements and encouragin


He won’t just join the fight, as Kansas Attorney General, he will help lead it. Kris Kobach is the best choice in the race for Kansas Attorney General.”
– U.S. Senator Ted Cruz


TOPEKA, KANSAS — Kris Kobach officially filed to run for Kansas Attorney General today.

“On a host of issues from vaccine mandates to attempts to restrict our Second Amendment rights, the Biden administration and its allies in Congress have disregarded the constitutional limits on federal power. The most important officer who can fight back against such unconstitutional actions is a state attorney general,” Kobach said.

The former Kansas Secretary of State announced a Five Point Plan for the Kansas Attorney General’s Office. The plan outlines his commitment to Kansans and the experience he will bring to the AG’s office to help accomplish the plan’s initiatives.

Kobach will prosecute voter fraud as the next attorney general, according to the five-point plan.

“As Kansas Secretary of State, I drafted the 2011 law t

Issues I'm fighting for...


Sandy Casey US House.mp4 from Sandy Casey on Vimeo.

I Will Stand Up for the People of Tennessee and our Great Country!


Second Amendment

“The Right to Bear Arms.  A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

As your Representative, I will not vote for ANY legislation which erodes YOUR right to bear arms.  Likewise, I will stand resolute in funding any agency whose job it is to enforce laws which are on the books and work to defund those agencies which do not, including withholding federal funding from cities and states.  

Perhaps no more important time since our nation’s founding has this been such an important issue.  With the Leftist Progressives shouting (and denying) “Defund the Police,” the civil society’s first line of defense, while failing to denounce actual violence, vandalism, arson and theft much less take actions to stop such crimes, the next thing th