amanda adkins (1)



“America faces an energy crisis perpetuated by Joe Biden. We need real leadership and a plan that will consistently provide enough supply at a lower price point.”

– Amanda Adkins

Energy Security and a Healthy Environment

Under the auspices of limiting America’s climate impact, the Biden Administration has stressed the U.S. economy by forcing an energy transition that is costly to American families and businesses, while actually doing very little to protect the environment. As Americans continue to struggle with the rising costs of goods and services, and record-high energy prices, we must pursue policies that increase U.S. energy supply, encourage innovation – including clean energy options – and contribute to American security.

It is possible to pursue policies that decrease energy prices, increase U.S. energy security and promote a healthy environment, which is why I support: 

  1. Increasing domestic supply of energy. Near-term needs include easing regulatory requirements and encouragin