candidate (141)

Meet Brown


It’s getting harder, not easier, to make a good living in Tennessee’s Ninth Congressional District. And it will take a lot of hard work to make things better. I’m ready to do that hard work if you are ready to send me to Washington DC.


We must get inflation under control. Our families deserve better.


Gas prices are particularly out of control. We need an energy plan that makes sense for America.


Policies that promote business ownership and home ownership will help build generational wealth.


Crime is trending in the wrong direction. We need every one of our communities to be safer.


Our children need greater access to academic and trade education after high school.


Veterans gave their best and they deserve our best. Let’s clear the VA backlog now.


Our struggling neighborhoods deserve to be lifted up, not


RINO Hunter 1776 shows that John Rose is not perfect but the only option and he really isn't bad.Good solid middle-of-the road candidate.






Securing our nation begins by protecting our borders and the sanctity of U.S. citizenship. Those who made it across the border illegally are protected in sanctuary cities and unfairly given advantages over those trying to enter the country legally.

John’s belief about effective immigration policy is three parts:

  1. Build a wall.
    • Continuing to build the wall along our southern border will aid in the enforcement of the law and will send a message that America is serious about the immigration problem.
  2. Enforce the law.
    • Our country has laws in place that govern immigration. Immigrants who are in the United States illegally are not “undocumented,” they are illegal and should face the consequences of breaking the law—deportation.
  3. Design a system that works.
    • We have to do better when it comes to temporary visa and guest worker programs. We need a sy

For a United Minnesota


CICELY DAVIS IS Unafraid OFHard Work

Born into a working-class family in Rochester, New York, Cicely moved to Minnesota where she was raised by a single parent and worked her entire life to build the success she has today.

When she and her mother moved to Minnesota, the lack of diversity presented a real challenge. But what Minnesota lacked in diversity was made up for in the realm of education, economic opportunity, and safety.

Now, she’s running for Congress to rebuild the Minnesota that captured her heart all those years ago.



CICELY DAVIS IS Unafraid OFSpeaking Up

When Barack Obama became president, Cicely found herself disappointed in his divisive leadership and empty promises.

Cicely was the State Director of BLEXIT MN, an organization founded by Candace Owens, where she championed entrepreneurship and empowers minority communities to escape government dependence.

As our congresswoman, Cicely will stand up to Marxism and end the weaponization of race by politicians

Fighting for the American Dream

Video Link for below:"Our American Dreams are under attack by the Left.

In the name of 'equity', they have diminished American values and destroyed businesses. It breaks my heart to see those dreams disappear in front of me."

- May Lor Xiong


My family were among the Hmong people that fled the communist rule in Laos during the Vietnam War. After seeking refuge in the Ban Vinai refugee camp in Thailand, we emigrated to America in 1987 to a better life. We did not know what would happen to us, and we were terrified of what the future may hold. We learned about the American Dream and pursued it passionately. While I am proud of my Hmong heritage, I am equally proud to be an American.

Our American Dreams are under attack by the Left. In the name of “equity”, they have diminished American values and destroyed businesses. It breaks my heart to see those dreams disappear in front of me. While not perfec

Service Leadership Patriotism

Tom believes in service, leadership, and America. He retired from the United States Navy with over 20 years of service after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. His love of family and home brought him back to Minnesota, and his love of country and desire to continue to serve led him to run to represent Minnesotans of the 3rd District. Tom was born in Corpus Christi, Texas, and raised in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. He graduated from Eden Prairie High School and then attended the University of Notre Dame, participating in the Navy ROTC program. Tom graduated with honors in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and was commissioned in the Navy in 2001. He served as a submarine officer for over 20 years. Tom is running to represent his fellow Minnesotans in Congress to fight for the country he loves and to ensure that each and every child has the opportunity to live his or her American dream.

My story begins in the farmland of western Minnesot



I’m running for Congress to “serve” – not to serve big business, not to serve the political elites – but to serve everyday Minnesotans who are increasingly concerned about our country’s future.

“We need representatives in D.C. who serve their districts, because America’s future is at stake. I’m a native Minnesotan who served 9 years active duty in the Marine Corps (most of which was in the elite Marine Special Operations unit, Marine Raiders), with four overseas tours, so I know service starts with protecting our nation – not open borders and defunding the police. Congress needs to serve our children and future generations with schools that educate, not indoctrinate. And we also need to serve  hard working everyday Americans with an economy that grows while cost of living and gas prices don’t.

I was born and raised in Minnesota, and after 9 years of active duty in the Marines, my wife Marie and I returned home to put down roots in Prior Lake. We’


I’m Jeremy Munson. Father. Patriot. Minnesotan.

Since being elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives four years ago, I have stood up to lobbyists and special interest groups to fight for what is right for the people of Minnesota.

Over the past two years, our Republic and Constitution have been under attack. Since day one, I have been with you in the trenches, fighting back against tyrannical executive edicts and defending our Constitution.

I’ve fought for our liberties whether they were being trampled by our Governor, the corporate media, or members of our own party…


And now, with your vote, I am ready to take on the DC Swamp, Dr. Fauci, and the political elites seeking to destroy our way of life.

In Congress, I will support the America-First agenda.

As a member of the Minnesota House, I spoke at protests against Governor Walz’s lockdowns, offered the first resolution to end the peacetime emergency, and filed lawsuits challenging the Governor for unilatera


Diana is an unapologetic conservative Trump Republican. She is running for Congress because she believes that our nation is at a tipping point. Fringe liberals threaten the future of our country with the false promises of socialism. They stand in the way of President Donald Trump’s progress and economic freedom. The president needs an outsider like himself in Congress that has his back. The president needs someone that is not beholden to political games or special interests, someone who understands what it takes to build a business and raise a family. The president needs Diana Harshbarger.


Career politicians – from both parties – have failed the American people and East Tennessee for years. They have had years to solve the problems that plague every day families and have had decades to change politics as usual. Enough is enough. When America’s future, and the futures of her son, her grandsons, and so many others in East Tennessee are on the line, it is time to get Tennessee Tough

Not a career politician; a man who serves country, community, and God.



Jerry was born and raised in New Madrid and Pemiscot counties in the Missouri Bootheel in the town of Portageville. His family farmed in the area, raising cotton, corn, and other crops. Jerry’s parents also owned and operated several full-service gas stations and garages during his childhood and young adult hood. Working in the cotton fields and tending the family service stations instilled a work ethic Jerry carries with him today. His parents raised 4 boys, Larry, Gary, Jerry, and Terry. All the Barham boys proudly served in the military during the VIETNAM era. Larry, the oldest, was killed in action during the Vietnam war in 1968. Larry’s life, and death, had a profound impact on Jerry’s life moving forward.

Jerry joined the US Navy in 1968, wanting to serve as his older brother had.  He attended Boot Camp at the Great Lakes Training Center in Great Lakes, Illinois.  From 1968-74, based

This is a Children's Rescue Mission

I'm not fighting against the status quo. I'm fighting for my vision of an improved system.

Sapir Get Out the Vote! from Jaw Dropping Designs on Vimeo.


Please volunteer to be at your local polling place on AZ Primary Election Day (8/2/22) to greet voters with Elect Shiry Sapir palm cards and signs during the first 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening — most polling locations are open from 6am to 7pm. You can find your local polling place by following this LINK.

This is our last effort to get on the General Election Day ballot and



The reason I decided to run for Arizona State Superintendent of Public Instruction is simple. The people in power do not have the best interest at heart when it comes to our most precious possessions…our children.

This great awakening continues to become more evident as I speak with thousands of Arizona parents who just want thei

Meet Eric



Dedicated Family Man. Proven Leader. Proud Conservative.

I am blessed to have been the leading voice for conservative Missourians in both the State House and the State Senate. I’m proud of my conservative achievements and enjoy fighting every day for Missourians’ liberties and freedoms. Now, with radical Democrats in power in Washington D.C. attempting to destroy what made our country great, I am ready to take my proven conservative leadership to Congress to stand up for our southwest Missouri values.

A proven conservative and leading voice for constitutional rights and Christian family values, Eric Burlison is now ready to take the fight to Washington.

Eric Burlison, is a Republican State Senator, who represents the 20th Senatorial District.

Before his election to the Senate, he was a State Representative in the House, where he was named the Missouri Republican Assembly’s Legislator of the Year in 2011.

Eric has received 100 percent conservative rankings from leading national cons



Election Integrity

Our elections must be made trustworthy again.  If we can’t trust the counting of votes, we lose trust in our Republic.

Voting is a right, and with rights come responsibilities (please see my writings on the Second Amendment above).  

Citizens that choose to exercise their right to elect their representatives and thereby hold power over the State have a responsibility to declare themselves by their identity to that State.

The State may not compel you to reveal for whom you voted, but it must insist on publicly knowing who voted.  There is no reason for a Citizen not to declare himself or herself appropriately when voting.

No state currently has any laws that place an undue burden on obtaining proper identification, and all attempts to prevent states from identifying voters and preventing election fraud are obvious attempts to influence elections.

This issue will need to be raised to the Constitutional Amendment level.  In our current system, the individual states deci

The Issues


Missouri Republican Primary for US House Districts 3 and 4 - August 2, 2022
Rumble on RINO Hunter 1776. Specifically Mark Alford is at time 16:51. 

Secure Our Elections!

We all know that something wasn't right with the election in 2020. Multiple states circumvented The Constitution of the United States in the name of a man-made virus. We must bring integrity back to our elections!
  • Sponsor Voter ID legislation
  • Fight against “For the People Act”
  • Fully investigate the 2020 election

"Bidenflation" Must End!

The left's woke and broke agenda is causing inflation at levels we haven't seen in decades. We need to get back to stable and able.
  • Make America energy independent again
  • Reduce corporate and personal income taxes
  • Decrease federal regulations and red tape
  • Stop out-of-control spending
  • Hold China accountable

Finish the Wall!

Let's be clear, a nation isn't a nation without borders. We must put an end to illegal immigration and fully fund the completion of the border wall and our border patrol.

My Platform

•Ban lobbyists, corporations, casinos, PACs, and unions from being able to donate to political campaigns, ending their influence on corrupt politicians.   

•Tax vouchers for parents to offset the costs of home schooling or a private school of their choice.  

•Demand full election transparency by cleaning up voter polls, requiring identification, returning to paper ballots and demanding a forensic audit of Clark County’s 2020 election. 

 •Uphold the Constitutional rights of all Nevadans, and prevent covid tyranny from ever occurring again by holding elected officials responsible and impeaching when necessary for overreaching the constitutional limits of their power.

Election Fraud in Nevada

Video by Conservative Box, July 1, 2022


We the People Need to Take Our Government Back


We Need Real People Representing Us, Not Lifetime Politicians

For the last several years, I have been fighting and exposing our out-of-control government from continuing to strip our individual freedoms and righ



Build an academically strong school district where students enjoy learning, teachers inspire, parents participate, and the community has confidence in the system


  • Conduct a “Needs Assessment” of all schools in the district to determine where new school or additions and/or renovations to existing schools should be built so that all students have equal access to quality facilities
  • Conduct a “Forensic Assessment” of all schools in the district, including their resources, staff needs, achievement rates, graduation rates, and drop out rates to determine areas of needed critical improvement  
  • Serve nutritious school lunches so that all students can focus and excel 


  • Survey the administrators, teachers, counselors, and support staff to determine the most well-research training and professional development that would benefit them and enhance their ability to serve their students  
  • Compare each individual school’s student to administrato



Parents are Greater than Politics

Meet your Florida candidates Christine DeVigili, Denise Nystrom & Rachel Kirby 2022

Video by Florida Freedom Keepers, FLFreedomKeepers, April 6, 2022


Secure and Protect the Rights of Parents

It is a fundamental liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children.

But what does that mean?
That means parents have the right to make decisions regarding their child's education, health, and mental care under the protection of the Florida Constitution, which is explained in the Florida Parents Bill of Rights.

Drain the Swamp

Legitimize a Verifiable Budget & Accountability Measures

Strengthen Morale Through Professional Development

When our educators are successful, so are our students, and that is why Christy will fight for educators every day. She will advocate to increase their pay, improve overall working conditions, and develop enhanced professional development opportunities to all of our education professionals.

Outside of p

Goals for our School Board


  • Give parents a voice
  • Curiculum Transparency
  • Remove Critical Race Theory and Social Emotional Learning from curriculum
  • Vote against mandates
  • Push for better compensation for all teachers

Back to the BASICS!


  • Christian Patriots of Central Florida
  • Moms for Liberty
  • Conservative Ministers of Central Florida
  • 1776 Project PAC

I am the mother of 2 elementary school children who were forced to mask even though I opted them out. This is what started my journey to run for school board.

I’m a telecommunications professional and hold a Doctoral Degree in Education from Nova Southeastern University. I’ve held many leadership roles during my career and have worked extremely hard to meet my personal and professional goals. I want you to know that I have the drive and the fight to champion change within our school board.

On a daily basis parents across Orange County share their stories and snapshots of the inappropriate materials students are being subjected to. In the school