candidate (141)



  • Election integrity and security

  • Constitutionally protected rights

  • Communication with the people

Vote for Kari in the August 9th Primary!

Find out where you vote here.

Where is Sherburne Co. District 4?

What is Most Important?

Election integrity and Security: We need to remove the machines and use hand counted paper ballots with security features that prevent fraud and allow you to check your vote to make sure it was counted and counted correctly.

Constitutionally protected rights: Government decisions need to be made in alignment with the protection of our rights. And we need less Government involvement. We need commissioners who will research, ask hard questions and vote no when those rights are not being upheld. I will be that Commissioner.

Communication with the people: We also need more transparency in government. When I tell people I’m running for commissioner the first question they have for me is “What does a commissioner do?” We need more communication from the commissioners in th



Election Integrity

As governor I would push for the following election protocols to ensure a secure election process:

Dump voter rolls legally with the oversight of the Texas Secretary of State and re-register legal voters

No computers or voting machines allowed at polling locations. 

Premises must be throughly searched before counting starts to ensure there are no hidden boxes of suspect ballots. 

Officials and buildings surrounded by trusted people for 48 hours (or until count is announced) to ensure no strange vehicles turn up with ‘found’ ballots. 

Vote secure paper only ballots.  

Voters must be verified with government issued ID.

Absentee only to those with prior, proven identity and valid reason to vote absentee such as military, first responder, medical, correctional, infrastructure employee, or homebound and must be received by the county at least 3 days prior to election day.    

Signature matching required on absentee ballots.  

All ballots kept in open secured area with 24x7 ca

Co-sponsored the Following Bills:


Election Integrity

HB2041 – Requires robust fraud countermeasures for all ballots including universal, specific, and watermarked paper, holographics, specific ink, unique ultraviolet signatures, and a QR code linking voters to a web-based ballot tracker. 

HB2054 – Requires the Secretary of State to use death certificates to remove voters from the AZ voter registration database.

HB2079 – Prohibits county Board of Supervisors from establishing election precincts that contain more than 1,500 voters. Requires ballots in a voting center be separated by precincts.

HB2080 – Requires ballots be counted by hand.

HB2235 – Exempted county Board of Supervisors from a pay raise in 2025.

HB2236 – Prohibits state agencies from registering voters without their request.

HB2237 – Makes day-of registration insufficient for voting in that election.

HB2238 – Ends the use of unmonitored drop-boxes.

HB2239 – Requires that damaged or defective ballots be duplicated by hand, not by mach




Our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is absolute and I oppose efforts to create a national gun registry and other anti-gun legislation that erodes our gun rights. My strong support of the 2nd Amendment has earned me a career “A” voting record from the NRA and Gun Owners of America.


The U.S. national debt is now more than $30 trillion. Yet, the Federal Government continues to borrow over 40% of every dollar it spends. I will continue to support true spending cuts and a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, which is why I was named “Hero of the Taxpayer” by Citizens Against Government Waste.


As Former Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus and Former Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Minerals and Energy, I have been a leader in Congress for U.S. energy independence. I’ve also worked tirelessly to open up federal lands in Arizona to reasonable usages for agriculture and natural resource development.





We need immigration reform that considers needs in agriculture, manufacturing, and technology.


We operate our homes and businesses within a budget. Congress needs to get out of the candy store and do the same with our national budget.


We must honor and defend those who care for and protect our safety, including our 2nd Amendment rights.


Regulations on our lands, including draconian control over water rights and usage, needs to change.


A strong economy yields capacity and capital for us to ensure we protect the environment.


We need to protect Eastern WA from the constant attacks born in Western WA.


As patriotic Americans, we find ourselves at the whim of a small but radical faction that seeks to control us, cancel us, and belittle our traditional values. And while they would have us reject America and its founding documents and beliefs, I propose a different path. We must r

Core Beliefs

I am Josh Barnett and I am running to represent the people of Arizona Congressional District 6. As a business owner and family man, I have witnessed the corruption and disregard for our Constitution that is eroding liberty in our country. Instead of doing what is right, politicians are pushing legislation and bad ideas in order to advance themselves or their political party without regard for the people. ​ I am a loyal American who loves God, my country and my family. I believe that all people are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, and that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. ​ I am committed to ALWAYS put people over politics. Please sign my petition so I can get on the ballot and deliver results for you.

Video Interviews


Why Rep. David Schweikert isn't For the People

Danny Whitacre: Why I’m running for Kenton Co. Clerk

Article on LINK Media, by Danny Whitacre, May 3, 2022

Seth Keshel posted this today and it lifted me up and touched my heart. This man, Danny Whitacre, speaks for so many of us. Sadly, he passed away from cancer last month. 

We cannot vote for him but he is a true patriot and renews our strength in each other and what we can do and what we are doing.



The following op-ed is written by Danny Whitacre, a candidate in the Republican primary for Kenton Co. Clerk

Had you asked me a year ago if I would ever enter a political race, I would have emphatically replied, “Never!” After trying to understand why Kenton County ranks as the 62nd most-corrupt county in the USA regarding the 2020 Election and being blocked by the current clerk, I had to step out of my comfort zone and enter the race. 

I am Danny Whitacre, candidate for Kenton County Clerk, and assure you that I am not in this race for myself. I would rather continue my entrepre

Vote in Primary Election on August 9, 2022

[S]elections in Minnesota: How Machines Controlled 2020


An introduction to how machines controlled our elections in 2020 (and how they may in 2022) and what county commissioners, candidates, and patriots can do right now to make our elections trustworthy, for the first time in our lives.


The Machines Must Go

We've gone from "prove it" to "what can we do about it?" Here's what you can do...

If you do not accept the machines counting votes, make your voice heard at county commissioners meetings (every other Tuesday).

If no one is yet doing this in your county, be a leader. Speak from what you know and emphasize:

- No more rigged machines
- Paper pollbooks
- Hand tally (hand count) the paper ballots
- The MN legislature should also ban absentee and mail-in ballots (except for long-distance military)
- County Commissioners have the power to remove epollbooks, electronic voting equipment, and return to hand tallying paper
- County Commissioners are responsibl

Core Beliefs


All elections must be audited regularly so that the people have confidence in the outcomes of their elections. Additionally, we must clean up the voter rolls, pass voter ID laws, & stop ballot harvesting. 
For a country to maintain its sovereignty, the borders must be secured. Unfortunately, the federal government has no real desire to protect the geographical integrity of our nation and that needs to change now.
We must stop liberal communities from becoming "sanctuary cities" for illegal aliens. Additionally, we need to put an end to giving in-state tuition, driver's licenses, and any other government benefit to illegal aliens. Colorado can do its part in stopping illegal immigration by simply not rewarding illegal behavior.
This fundamenta


About Clay

Captain Clay Higgins is a lifelong resident of Louisiana. He has served Acadiana in Law Enforcement for the last eleven years and currently serves as Deputy Marshal for the City of Lafayette.

Captain Higgins has become one of the nation’s most influential cops, regularly speaking to law enforcement agencies across America. Higgins is a strong advocate of what he calls… “The sacred oath of the badge”. He states that the sworn oath is not to a Sheriff, or a Chief, or a Marshal… It’s an oath of allegiance to the Constitution.

He is a passionate defender of the Bill of Rights.

As a Christian, Higgins is known for his refreshing focus on the power of the individual to be redeemed.

Higgins received his initial training in police work when serving as a military police officer in the United States Army.




On the Issues

Under the guise of COVID protocols, Americans across the country witnessed serious voting irregularities during the 2020 elections – ballot harvesting and judicial overreach to name just a few. Now, Nancy Pelosi and her allies are trying to federalize elections and implement policies which would ruin the integrity of our elections. Those changes are unconstitutional and would eliminate basic security measures. Russell knows free and fair elections are the bedrock of our Republic. He understands that citizens must have confidence that only qualified voters are casting ballots. As author of both the “Voter ID for Absentee” and closed primaries bills in South Carolina, Russell wants to make it harder to cheat in elections. Now he’s ready to continue that fight nationally in the halls of Congress.

Tom Rice broke the trust of the people of the Pee Dee and Grand Strand when he voted to impeach President Donald Trump. From Myrtle Beach to Marlb




As the Senator for Alabama, Katie Britt will be our advocate for smaller government, modern job growth, constitutional liberties and greater opportunity.

Election Integrity

The right to vote in a free and fair election is the most basic American civil right and a cornerstone on which many other core rights stand upon. The integrity of America’s elections has also historically set us apart from countries across the world, making us a global beacon for democracy and freedom.

Every American must be able to trust the voting process and the resulting outcome; otherwise, our cherished country will crumble around us.

I will work tirelessly to uphold election integrity and fight voter fraud. Alabama’s secure, free and fair elections should be a model for the country, and I intend to teach Washington a thing or two when elected. This means defeating the disastrous HR 1, which would federalize elections, ban photo voter ID across the nation and mandate taxpayer money fundin

About Sarah


Sarah Huckabee Sanders served as White House Press Secretary for President Donald J. Trump from 2017 to 2019. A trusted confidant of the President, Sarah advised him on everything from press and communications strategy to personnel and policy. For two and a half years, Sarah worked closely with the president, battling with the media, working with lawmakers and CEOs, and accompanying the president on every foreign trip, including dozens of meetings with foreign leaders. Sarah is only the third woman – and the very first mom – to ever hold the job of White House Press Secretary.

Upon her departure from the administration, President Trump described Sarah as “irreplaceable,” a “warrior” and “very special person with extraordinary talents, who has done an incredible job.”

Sarah joined the Trump campaign as a senior advisor in February 2016 during the Republican primary, and continued in that role through the President’s historic defeat of Hillary Clinton.

Sarah has previously worked



A Pro-Trump conservative with strong family values, Katie will protect the unborn, build the wall, get our economy moving again, and stand up to Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the radical left. While other politicians prioritize their TV appearances, Katie will prioritize you.

In Congress, I will fight for us, which starts by tackling the inflation that is crushing us. The price of groceries is skyrocketing, and people are being forced to decide between filling their tank with gas or putting food on the table. On day one, we need to reopen the Keystone Pipeline to drive down our gas prices and make goods more accessible.

While I proudly served our nation in the Department of Defense as the Chief Information Security Officer, I had the opportunity to be the DoD lead for the Supply Chain effort in the COVID pandemic.

Combine that with the radical defund the police movements, there is no end in sight for the unmitigated disasters that are a result of this administration’s refusal to get

The Karamo Platform - On The Issues


Government Should Work For The People!

It's time to SECURE Michigan's Elections, STREAMLINE the Government and, OPEN UP the branch offices!

As your Secretary of State, I will make sure that Michigan only counts legal votes, that our elections are secure, and that the rule of law is respected again.


 All reports of election fraud must be investigated. We must end  selective investigation so that every citizen can have confidence in our  election process. 


 Citizens need to be able to quickly access the services of the Secretary  of State.  Waiting months for an appointment at a branch office is not  customer service! 


As your Secretary of State, I will expand the Office of Investigative Services to stop identity theft and make sure the identity of every Michigan resident is secure.


 “Trust, but verify.” I will make sure voting machine companies give full  access to their softwa

On the Issues


I’m running for Secretary of State to ensure that our children get to participate in free and honest elections. I’m running because the Secretary of State has failed us. Our voter rolls are full of people that are dead, have moved out of state, and who are not US citizens. The use of mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting created a scenario where it was easy to cheat. Cyber security experts showed me one piece of evidence after another that the 2020 election was riddled with failures. Liberal policies have driven our once amazing state into the ground. Unless we have honest elections we can’t get these people who are ruining California out of office. 

As Secretary of State, I will guarantee:

  • Voter ID requirements
  • Paper Ballots
  • Eliminating mail in ballots while keeping traditional absentee ballots
  • Single day voting
  • Aggressive voter roll clean-up
  • Unfettered watch reforms.
  • Live stream the hand count on election day

California lacks that kind of transparency. It hit me like a bus while



Election Integrity 

Make voter ID mandatory, eliminate ballot drop boxes, and develop other rigorous standards that restore all Americans' faith in our electoral process.

(Read More)



Finish the wall and militarize the border, deport everyone who is in the country illegally, and institute an immigration moratorium for the next decade.

(Read More)


Protecting Children

Ban transgender surgeries and puberty blockers for anyone under 18, and create a national law that mimics the recent "Parental Rights in Education" law in FL that restricts the promotion of sexual orientation and gender identity to young children.

(Read More)


Term Limits

An overwhelming majority of Americans support term limits for Congress, just like we have for the President. I have pledged to co-sponsor and vote for a Term Limit Amendment that would restrict Representatives to three terms, and Senators to two terms. My opponent, Mr. Guest, has refused to support any term limit legislation. (Read More)

  • If we don’t fix these elections NOW, America will be lost. Without open, honest, transparent elections, no other issue matters.

  • If we don’t fix these elections NOW, America will be lost

  • Tyrannical Tech Oligarchs have taken over our constitutional republic, and they must be stopped.

  • Life begins at conception.

  • Marriage is defined as between one man and one woman.

  • Our right to bear arms is INHERENT, given to us by God almighty — NOT by any man.

  • A big, beautiful wall should protect our Border. 

  • Our troops should protect America — NOT foreign nations. 

  • The First Amendment is absolute: religious & political freedom are basic civil right, as it is the right to hold an opinion.

  • Well funded police and the protection of the Rule of Law are imperative to civil society. 

  • Critical Race Theory is Communist, anti-white Racism.  

  • Vaccine and mask mandates are medical tyranny, and have no place in America. 

  • The Pelosi budget opens the door wide open to full-blown communism.



Ralph Rebandt for Michigan Governor


Day One: Investigate the Election Fraud of 2020

On Day One as the 50th Governor of the State of Michigan, I will open an investigation into the 2020 election. I am the only Michigan Governor Candidate who was at the TCF Center and who witnessed election fraud and the breaking of Michigan Election Law. I will investigate who ordered and allowed the Detroit Police to keep out Republican and Independent Election Poll Watchers and Election Poll Challengers from the counting room, and who ordered and allowed cardboard to be put up on the windows to inhibit a fair and transparent election. If a full forensic audit has not been conducted prior to my inauguration, I will call for one immediately. But I will not stop there. Those who are guilty of the breaking of Michigan Election Law will be prosecuted. We absolutely must have free, fair, and transparent elections in order to survive as a country.


Endorsed by:

Southeastern Michigan Association Chiefs of Police




I. Utilize leverage over state assembly and senate to ensure full repeal of bail reform

II. Sign an executive order protecting qualified Immunity

III. Add resources to stop subway and train crime immediately as governor with majority control
of the MTA Board

Over the last year, there has been a national push to “defund the police” with the empirically unsupported idea that the police are systemically racist. This vitriol toward our law enforcement officers is dangerous not only for our police officers but for the New Yorkers who depend on local law enforcement to defend their neighborhoods from criminal activity. 

In practice, proactive policing is verifiable as one of the most ef