Davene Meehan's Articles (259)

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Eli Crane is a faith-oriented, family man and is pro-life, pro-second amendment, and unafraid to take a stand against cancel culture and the radical left. He is active in Arizona as a brand ambassador for Sig Sauer firearms and as a former member of the national Advisory Committee on Veteran Business Affairs. Eli believes in giving back to local communities and helps support numerous vet organizations every year.


  • Eli knows that without fair elections, our Republic cannot be saved.
  • Eli will fearlessly fight for clean elections and will push back aggressively against voter fraud.
  • Arizona and America must reinstate Election Day voting, bolster polling sites, end unregulated mail-out balloting and enact stronger voter ID laws and stiffer penalties for anyone caught harvesting ballots or found guilty of voter fraud. 


  • Eli is the only candidate in this race endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council.
  • As a Navy SEAL in Iraq, Eli stopped terrorists from wre

Danny Whitacre: Why I’m running for Kenton Co. Clerk

Article on LINK Media, by Danny Whitacre, May 3, 2022

Seth Keshel posted this today and it lifted me up and touched my heart. This man, Danny Whitacre, speaks for so many of us. Sadly, he passed away from cancer last month. 

We cannot vote for him but he is a true patriot and renews our strength in each other and what we can do and what we are doing.



The following op-ed is written by Danny Whitacre, a candidate in the Republican primary for Kenton Co. Clerk

Had you asked me a year ago if I would ever enter a political race, I would have emphatically replied, “Never!” After trying to understand why Kenton County ranks as the 62nd most-corrupt county in the USA regarding the 2020 Election and being blocked by the current clerk, I had to step out of my comfort zone and enter the race. 

I am Danny Whitacre, candidate for Kenton County Clerk, and assure you that I am not in this race for myself. I would rather continue my entrepre

Vote in Primary Election on August 9, 2022

[S]elections in Minnesota: How Machines Controlled 2020


An introduction to how machines controlled our elections in 2020 (and how they may in 2022) and what county commissioners, candidates, and patriots can do right now to make our elections trustworthy, for the first time in our lives.


The Machines Must Go

We've gone from "prove it" to "what can we do about it?" Here's what you can do...

If you do not accept the machines counting votes, make your voice heard at county commissioners meetings (every other Tuesday).

If no one is yet doing this in your county, be a leader. Speak from what you know and emphasize:

- No more rigged machines
- Paper pollbooks
- Hand tally (hand count) the paper ballots
- The MN legislature should also ban absentee and mail-in ballots (except for long-distance military)
- County Commissioners have the power to remove epollbooks, electronic voting equipment, and return to hand tallying paper
- County Commissioners are responsibl



Election Transparency

We must insist our elections are free from fraud, cyber-hacking, soft-ware manipulation, 100% safe and secure. No voting by non-U.S. Citizens.

Jo Rae is working with various Election Integrity groups to ensure your vote is counted as you intended. (Editors Note: Like Seth Keshel's Contract for America II)

Public Safety First

We cannot live our lives if our streets are not safe. The Number One Duty of the government is to protect the people. Jo Rae supports local, state and federal law enforcement officers that uphold the U.S. Constitution and Oregon’s Constitution. She will make public safety a top priority.

Economic Prosperity not Inflation

The Federal Reserve Board controls the economy, interest rates, manipulation and the flow of money, causing inflation and deflation. Jo Rae Perkins will insist the Treasury takes charge according to the U.S. Constitution. She will vote against raising the debt ceiling, will vote to ‘End the Fed.

Natural Resource Management


Article from Captain K's Corner, by Capt. Seth Keshel, June 28, 2022

10620268689?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Republican Party, which had lacked a simultaneous majority in both chambers for four decades, enjoyed a landslide election in the 1994 midterms from coast to coast.  They took over the U.S. House for the first time since the 84th Congress (1953-1955), gained a Senate Majority, and scored many shocking upsets at the state level.  Bill Clinton’s first term was off to a rocky start, and the people were hungry for solutions.  Newt Gingrich, the soon-to-be Speaker of the House, rolled out a Republican legislative agenda called the “Contract with America,” which pledged to bring ten popular bill ideas to a vote in short order if a Republican majority came to pass.

The agenda hit the target, and the GOP had its majority.  Those Republicans who pledged to support the contract followed through, and this measure is considered one of the last great trust exercises between the people and those elected to represent them.  Today’

Article on RSBN, by Summer Lane, July 1, 2022


Photo: Adobe Stock

Republicans in Spokane County, Washington, have asked for an audit of the 2020 presidential election, according to a report from Just the News.

The report added the audit request came in a petition presented to county commissioners by Spokane County GOP State Committeeman Matt Hawkins. The probe would specifically look at the election processes in Spokane County, as well as the tabulation machines.

In June, The Center Square reported that a citizen watchdog group had failed to convince Spokane County to perform an audit of the 2020 presidential election. A member of the Election Integrity Committee under the umbrella of the Spokane Republican Party, Dennis Hawkhurst, pointed out in Center Square’s article that there were a reported 353,926 registered voters in 2020 but 382,560 ballots.

Just the News reported that Committeeman Hawkins told the Board of Commissioners, “We’re not trying to say any one person has done anything wro

Article on PJ Media by J Christian Adams, June 30, 2022



A strange constellation has emerged through public records requests of coordination between progressive funders, federal authorities, corporations, state election officials, and leftist organizations.

Freedom of information requests have uncovered oddball and opaque relationships between some state election officials, federal officials, corporations, progressive activists, and those trying to influence the conduct of those same election officials. These relationships extend to junkets that include baseball games, travel, and even data exchanges between state officials and outside progressive groups.

The story begins with a series of freedom of information act requests aimed at a number of states to see if any election officials are tempted to apply for now-illegal money from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life. Such grants and the wild expenditures of these funds altered the course of the 2020 election. (

By Frank Clips, June 30, 2022


Testimony Before Louisiana Senate Committee

Mike Lindell testified to the Louisiana Senate Committee about the voting system. Mike testifies about how everything is computerized these days. Every machine has a flaw, and voting machines are no exception. ES&S (Election Systems & Software) testified earlier and Mr. Lindell points out something they overlooked.

ES&S was forced to sell Diebold to Dominion in 2011 by the DOJ (Department of Justice). On May 24th, from voting in Georgia,  one of the candidates had zero votes. The candidate thought this was odd, so an audit was held. Once the audit was done, there were 3762 votes for the candidate. The Secretary of State claimed it was a programming error in the machine.

Hand Counting Elections

In addition, the flaws also happened in Alabama and in Texas in the past few months. France in a recent election did a full hand count with 70 million votes because they banned machines from the voting process. Mike would like

The Country's Future Depends On You


Watch the One Minute Precinct Strategy Promo Video!

 On February 27, 2022, President Trump said this about the Precinct Strategy:

"The Precinct Strategy, as explained by Dan Schultz at www.PrecinctStrategy.com, is a great way to restore our Republic by transforming our Party from currently at less than half-strength at the precinct level into a full-strength Get Out The Vote powerhouse--as it should be.

"Make America Great Again!"

You're not in the [Republican] party unless you're a Precinct Committeeman. Precinct Committeemen are the Party.

Daniel Schultz


In a nutshell, this is what every conservative — including you, dear reader — needs to do ASAP — if our goal is to have our state legislators pass election reform laws requiring all counties to stop using any kind of imaging machines for counting votes and, i




Our Country demands free and FAIR elections. As Attorney General, I will rebuild the confidence of our elections by prosecuting election fraud to the fullest extent of the law. The day I take office in January 2023 we will prioritize the Election Integrity Unit and increase the number of prosecutors and investigators in order to be prepared and protect the 2024 election. Confidence in our elections is the cornerstone to our country – we must restore voters trust.


Border Security is National Security. Our borders are not protected, and they’re not secure. As Attorney General, I will enforce state laws since the federal government refuses to take action. Create a Task Force unit within our law enforcement agency to target border crimes. Drug cartels are invading our southern border and even our neighborhoods; we must classify them as terrorists and protect our communities.

CANCEL Culture

The left has infiltrated every aspect of our lives and is trying

About Me

10605941089?profile=RESIZE_400x10605940300?profile=RESIZE_400xAlthough I am not a native, I have called Arizona my home for over 30 years! I am a true Constitutional Conservative, happily married wife, bonus mom & Nana, cowgirl, and a Registered Nurse. I am 100% a Trump supporter who thinks the RINO's have to go, an American who loves her country, and an Arizonan who knows we need change at the State level!


Presidential Endorsement Press Release

July 7, 2022

Today Janae Shamp had the complete honor to speak with President Trump after receiving his official endorsement of her candidacy for the Arizona State Senate LD 29.

"It was wonderful to talk with President Trump again and I am thrilled and honored to have the endorsement of our President! It is humbling, but it also gives me an even greater sense of responsibility for doing everything we can to win this race and put We The People back in charge of the State Capitol" candidate Janae Shamp stated.

"Janae Shamp, who was spurred to action by the Rigged and Stolen 2020 Presidential election, is



Dan stands with parents and teachers fighting against the Bloated Bureaucracy State Public School “SuperBoard.”

Dan stands for parental rights in the classroom.

Dan is against gender identity indoctrination in our schools.

Dan Cox stands against Critical Race Theory in Maryland schools.

Dan has protected our natural right to build firearms, a right which George Washington exercised to win our Independence.

Dan sustained the Governor’s veto of HB 4 - “Long Gun Transfer Act.”

Dan supports constitutional carry and shall-issue permits for full reciprocity in the U.S.

Dan stood against a Communist Party of China (CCP)-Style Gun Tracking bill with its patent in his Judiciary Committee.

Dan presented a Bill, “Consent of the Governed Act,” to re-establish Constitutional governance in Maryland, ending the lockdowns.

Dan spoke out against the lockdowns on State Capital Grounds in May 2020.

Dan stood with small businesses through the unconstitutional lockdown.

Dan opposed HB 403 which would allow Mar

PAL Bulletin, June 28 contains two different links to the Arizona meeting of multiple legislators in regard to Maricopa County 2020 election fraud, with damning evidence by Jovan Pullitzer.

The first link by Real America Voice starts the actual presentation at 53 minutes in.

The second link by RSBN starts the actual presentation at 1 hr, 12 minutes in. 


Dustin Nemos has cropped to the actual presentation on UGETube to start at the beginning.

PAL Bulletin: I have never seen a presentation like this. If all of the information that Jovan Hutton Pulitzer has just shown is true then it is time for we the people to take action. People need to be arrested if evidence can be shown to sheriffs or also the military that these politicians are guilty. The Deep State also made an attempt for this presentation not to be aired. All the channels that were broadcasting all were knocked offline all at the same time. Share this video with absolutely everyone. The end of the presentation is the most stunning

Core Beliefs


All elections must be audited regularly so that the people have confidence in the outcomes of their elections. Additionally, we must clean up the voter rolls, pass voter ID laws, & stop ballot harvesting. 
For a country to maintain its sovereignty, the borders must be secured. Unfortunately, the federal government has no real desire to protect the geographical integrity of our nation and that needs to change now.
We must stop liberal communities from becoming "sanctuary cities" for illegal aliens. Additionally, we need to put an end to giving in-state tuition, driver's licenses, and any other government benefit to illegal aliens. Colorado can do its part in stopping illegal immigration by simply not rewarding illegal behavior.
This fundamenta

Defend your Precinct

DEFEND OUR UNION is a grassroots movement that's focused on clean elections issues and policies. 

Our PRECINCT DEFENDER campaign empowers civics-centric volunteers with the resources to watch over the election process, while boosting voter participation.



  • Inspect Voter Rolls
  • Verify VBM Signatures
  • Poll Watch
  • Monitor Dropboxes


  • Amplify Clean Election Policies
  • Elevate EI Strong Candidates
  • GOTV Your Precinct


  • Enhanced list maintenance activity data availability
  • Citizen initiated voter registrations review
  • Exit ERIC
  • Modernized voter eligibility systems integrations 


  • Qualify ONLY military, disabled, or temporary out of county
  • Eliminate Dropboxes
  • Allow robust VBM observation
  • Make voting-in-person easier

  • Open all SOE/FSE elections related meetings to the public
  • Publish all vendor contracts
  • Enforce FS-119 on ALL voter/staff created data
  • Allow citizen initiated/driven FU

Be Involved!

Florida Fair Elections is a coalition of conservative leaders, organizations, public officials, and volunteer citizens dedicated to securing the legality of every American vote.

The Florida Fair Elections (FFE) Coalition consists of Florida citizens and grassroots groups whose shared goal is to restore trust in our elections and ensure that all eligible voters, regardless of political affiliation, have an easy and secure means to vote and that voter fraud is eliminated. We invite you to join us as a member of our coalition and attend an upcoming election integrity workshop.  


Join Your County's Election Integrity Taskforce to Secure The Vote In Florida

An Election Integrity Taskforce In Every County In Florida

Every County Taskforce will have 8 focus teams that help protect the vote and the voters. 

  • Election Office Team One: Focus is Presence, People, and Personal Relationships with those who work in the Election Office.
  • Election Office Team Two: Focus is on understanding the bu

Article on Florida News Report, on June 18, 2022

This is the opportunity for Republican voters to send a clear message to the Republican Establishment - "Conservative Republicans are not going away".... but will we take it?


For some reason, Republican voter turnout rate has been 30% or less in the August Republican Party Primary elections.  If you are like us, concerned about the direction of the Republican Party, then no other election date is as important as August 23rd to decide between the two types of Republicans you want to represent you and your family. 

The first choice is the  RINO - (Republican in name only) - a candidate who talks the talk, but that’s about it. They are usually well funded by special interest groups - developers, big industry, corporations — and usually win. They get their name out and advertise with all those big donor dollars. However, once in office, we find they don’t vote the way we want - they vote the way their DONORS want. You and me? We’re left in the

Our vote is a Sacred Privilege.

ProtectAmerica.vote, June 22, 2022

Our vote is how we hold government accountable. We need to be informed and engaged. Citizens must be ready to vote and Sheriffs must be ready to enforce the law, as well as protect their constituents from any form of illegal activity.

Today we begin a national effort to equip sheriffs, educate citizens and protect our elections. Election laws were put into place to protect every American voice - and those laws should be followed.


This is About The Rule of Law

“Sheriffs primary duty is to the protect the rights of their constituents, which includes their rights as voters. ProtectAmerica.vote aims to solve this problem and bridge the gap between voters and local law enforcement. Our work will ensure we have secure elections in this country.” SHERIFF MARK LAMB

“Over 80% of Americans are concerned about the lack of integrity in America’s elections. Voters want to be helpful but aren’t sure where to turn

Article on Cision: PR Newswire, by The America Project, on June 21, 2022

The 501c4 non-profit started by Patrick Byrne, the founder of Overstock.com, with General Flynn and his brother Joe Flynn, has been working for months on exposing voter fraud and highlighting ongoing problems with election integrity in the United States. Now, as ballots from 2020 are about to be destroyed, TAP is hoping to convince elections officials and lawmakers to preserve ballots in 5 key states. 

SARASOTA, Fla.June 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- With the ballots from the 2020 election about to be destroyed on September 4, 2022, The America Project is launching a grassroots campaign to convince elections officials and lawmakers to preserve those ballots for further review. 

After nearly two years, the lack of integrity in the 2020 election continues to be exposed on an almost daily basis, most recently with the documentary 2000 Mules by filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza that presented video evidence of how "ballot brokers" a

Article on Gateway Pundit, by Assisstant Editor, on June 22, 2022

Totally overlooked by the mainstream press, at the beginning of May 2022, Missouri Attorney General (AG) Eric Schmitt’s office filed a landmark lawsuit against the Biden Administration.

Then, just last week, Attorney General Schmitt landed a big blow against Biden by filing a motion to prohibit the censorship conspiracy immediately.

SEE HERE for a copy of the lawsuit. 

The Gateway Pundit had the honor and privilege to work with the Missouri Attorney General’s Office to offer extensive evidence of Big Tech’s large-scale censorship and coordination with the federal government. 


Totally overlooked by the mainstream press, at the beginning of May 2022, Missouri Attorney General (AG) Eric Schmitt’s office filed a landmark lawsuit against the Biden Administration.

Then, just last week, Attorney General Schmitt landed a big blow against Biden by filing a motion to prohibit the censorship conspiracy immediately.

SEE HERE for a copy of