kentucky (1)

Danny Whitacre: Why I’m running for Kenton Co. Clerk

Article on LINK Media, by Danny Whitacre, May 3, 2022

Seth Keshel posted this today and it lifted me up and touched my heart. This man, Danny Whitacre, speaks for so many of us. Sadly, he passed away from cancer last month. 

We cannot vote for him but he is a true patriot and renews our strength in each other and what we can do and what we are doing.



The following op-ed is written by Danny Whitacre, a candidate in the Republican primary for Kenton Co. Clerk

Had you asked me a year ago if I would ever enter a political race, I would have emphatically replied, “Never!” After trying to understand why Kenton County ranks as the 62nd most-corrupt county in the USA regarding the 2020 Election and being blocked by the current clerk, I had to step out of my comfort zone and enter the race. 

I am Danny Whitacre, candidate for Kenton County Clerk, and assure you that I am not in this race for myself. I would rather continue my entrepre