trust (1)

Article from Captain K's Corner, by Capt. Seth Keshel, June 28, 2022

10620268689?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Republican Party, which had lacked a simultaneous majority in both chambers for four decades, enjoyed a landslide election in the 1994 midterms from coast to coast.  They took over the U.S. House for the first time since the 84th Congress (1953-1955), gained a Senate Majority, and scored many shocking upsets at the state level.  Bill Clinton’s first term was off to a rocky start, and the people were hungry for solutions.  Newt Gingrich, the soon-to-be Speaker of the House, rolled out a Republican legislative agenda called the “Contract with America,” which pledged to bring ten popular bill ideas to a vote in short order if a Republican majority came to pass.

The agenda hit the target, and the GOP had its majority.  Those Republicans who pledged to support the contract followed through, and this measure is considered one of the last great trust exercises between the people and those elected to represent them.  Today’