Garret Graves, LA, US House, District 6

Garret Graves, LA, US House, District 6


"Our positive message and the conservative solutions we’ve delivered for some of Louisiana’s biggest challenges are working." - GARRET GRAVES



Garret Graves is a RINO but the best choice at this time. He doesn't sound like one, but here is the evidence.

He has over $2 Million dollars for his campaign. And no one else has money listed.


His grassroot donations are not even a third of a percent. So practically 100% of his funding is large contributions and PAC.




Garret Graves--

  1. Voted for Doubling the budget of the national science foundation (a lot of climate change):
  2. Voted for Covid-19 hate crimes act:
  3. Voted for overriding the budget sequester restrainst so that money could be spent:
  4. Voted for $50 BILLION on climate change:
  5. Voted for advancing warrentless surveilance of Americans without conservative reforms:
  6. Voted against defending election integrity:
  7. Voted for $2.3 trillion spending package:
  8. Voted for forcing truckers to have to retrofit their engines:
  9. Voted for requiring business to report the diversity of their employees:
  10. Voted against keeping privacy on websites:
  11. Voted against defunding the EPAs criminal enforcement division:


Low conservative rating. His rating shows a fairly steady decline over his career concerning conservatism.. Plus there appears to be periods of I don't care if I am conservative mixed with I have to get re-elected.


He has voted opposed to the American Conservative Union 28 times.Use the drop down box to check this yourself.

His spending is very high in all categories: all of congress, all of the Republican party, and all of Louisiana.


And he has spent almost $3 TRILLION of taxpayers money.



He is the best candidate at this time. Vote for Garret Graves BUT Louisiana raise up someone else with conservative values and strength and passion for your next election.

