tim ramthun (1)

Free, Fair and Lawful Elections


We are blessed to live in a country framed by brilliant men, our Founding Fathers, who went to great pains and deliberations to construct a Republic that would protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens. When our Constitution is violated, we must reinforce and defend it, for the sake of not only America, but the free world and all of western civilization.

When laws are broken, we must prosecute the perpetrators. When corruption is at play, we must end it. When the Republicans encourage us to “move on,” and Democrats block justice at every turn, neither party is serving the people. Tim Ramthun courageously investigated claims of fraud and spoke the truth. He won’t stop.

Representatives are not supposed to consider themselves members of an exclusive club for their own benefit. They are elected to represent the people, and the people know there was outcome altering fraud during the 2020 election. Those who look the other way and have