sandra scholz (1)

It's not about me; it's about we.


I support a full cyber forensic audit of the 2020 election and a recall of Wisconsin's ten electors. We the People of Wisconsin deserve to know the truth! Those who broke election laws must be held accountable. Ramifications would include removal from office, fines and/or jail time.

Proposed Integrity Measures:

* Allow one day only to vote.

* Require voter ID.

* Provide one paper ballot per voter.

* Discontinue the use of voting machines.

* Discontinue the use of ballot dropboxes.

* Install cameras at all polling locations to allow real-time viewing on election days.

With 30+ years of experience as a Registered Nurse, I have witnessed government overreach in the healthcare system and the subsequent acquiescence of hospital administration. It saddened me to see doctors and nurses succumb to guidelines that were not in the best interest of their patients.

Proposed Healthcare Solutions:

* Eliminate medical mandates of any kind.

* Enforce religious and medical exempti