Do you believe in freedom for all? Will you help defend this freedom?

Many different groups have started for election integrity, natural rights, liberty and health freedom.  We are looking to network like-minded leaders all over the State of Georgia that are willing to work together to defend our rights to Life, Liberty, and Property.  We are not wanting to create a new group but to network the various groups so that our voices can be stronger. It could be through promoting your event or sharing new contacts from this platform. We also want to support businesses with the same mindset of freedom. We need to buy local and help these local enterprises stay viable.

Defend Georgia has a powerful citizen-driven approach to build, uphold, and strengthen local groups and businesses.

Whether you are a grassroots organizer, a local business, or just a neighbor that believes in the above, take the Freedom Pledge and join our network.  Once registered in, we'll contact you about how this platform can help build your group or business and get it listed here.

Take the Freedom Pledge and join us.

I pledge to God Almighty and to my fellow American:
To learn the Constitution of the United States of America.
To learn the Constitution of the state in which I live.
To join with other Freedom-loving Americans to become
a participating citizen.
To contribute my God-given talents in order that I may
uphold, protect and further the cause of Liberty.
To do nothing from selfish ambition or vain conceit, but
from humility for the glory of God and Country.
To cooperate & collaborate with my fellow American
toward a more unified nation.
To combine redundant efforts for greater impact and to
further the cause of Freedom.
To treat my fellow American as I would like to be treated:
with Dignity
with Respect
with Kindness
with Charity

REGISTER through our Defend Our Union Intake process below to fully participate in the benefits of the platform. Click "START"

12 Members
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Grassroots Organizer

Update on Georgia Ballot Inspection & Lawsuit w/ Garland Favorito & Ricardo Davis

Garland Favorito, Founder of VoterGA and Ricardo Davis, Chairman of the Constitution Party GA presented at the Defend the Union Election Integrity program during a breakout session.  Garland's PPT was loaded with the details on what happened with the Georgia Election, the lawsuit and ballot inspection.  A big thank you to Caroline, Raj, Maureen and all those who made the Election Integrity Summit a success and providing the stats.  Click on the links to the entire summit and the GA Breakout…

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