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This site aims to summarize ( the allegations of fraud, as presented in governmental hearings, courts, and investigative reports, by state, to provide an easy reference and portal for further research.

The film 2000 Mules shows True the Vote’s video evidence of a coordinated, funded, illegal ballot trafficking network across critical swing states including Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Texas. Released May 8. Learn more

The US 2020 Presidential Election counted a record-breaking 158 million votes, 22 million higher than the previous election, and yet was decided by only 42,918 votes or 0.027% across Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin.

In the days and weeks following, many dozens of anomalies, eyewitness accounts and sworn testimonies emerged showing election tampering, yet were overlooked or minimized by mainstream media and news outlets. In spite of increasing evidence, officials in many key states have obstructed open and transparent audits of