eric van mechelen (1)

An Article on Midwest Seeds by Erik van Mechelen, September 9, 2022

The entire title is provocative with action and hope: 

Silenced But Not Ignored

Influence Operations, Plausible Deniability, and Why the Physical Ballots and CVR Reports are Key – Those Who Control the Machines Control Who Wins, But We Don't Have to Use the Enslavement Devices


Van Mechelen again shows his ability to write intelligently, mastering the English language with prose while mastering what needs to be done to fix what has been foiced on the American people and most especially the state of Minnesota.

  1. Muzzling our voices
  2. Muzzling AND experimenting on our children

Van Mechelen--attempted silencing by GOP. YOU SHALL NOT PASS! You shall not speak unless approved.

Electronic voting dangers--big No, no.

You will not speak at the endorsing convention.

You will not speak with Bishofsky

You will not present in Rochester

Change your message and we will let you "talk".

No. No. No.

We will NOT let the machines be in control. We are a f