Protecting Our Forests And Water
I support clean water and protecting our forests. I support an increased budget for forest and water management as well as stiffer penalties for those who litter and commit arson in our forests.
More Jobs And Better Wages
I support heavily recruiting companies to come to rural Arizona to create jobs. We must protect the free market, keep regulations low, and keep taxes low. I support any and all ways to allow businesses to conduct commerce in Arizona. We must unleash the free market!
Better Healthcare
I support pre-existing conditions. We need to lower the cost of prescription drugs, provide transparent medical billing, and more healthcare options for our citizens. The time for better healthcare solutions is now.
Take Care Of Our Veterans
As a veteran, I understand that Arizona needs to do more to take care of our great veterans. They put their lives on the line for us, we need to help take care of them and their families. I will stri