hunter pullen (1)

What We Stand For


Accountability, Integrity, Transparency

Individual Rights Under the Constitution 

The bill of rights has repeatedly been infringed by The US Government. The right to Freedom of Speech and Protest was violated during the year of 2020. Innocent protestors were violently put down by the policing forces of those areas. The 2nd Amendment has been under attack and "debated" since this countries inception. I believe the Founding Father's were very clear and it can not be left up for interpretation, and it should not be infringed upon. The 4th Amendment has been under attack as well. All over the nation we are seeing illegal search and seizures of people's vehicles and homes. I will fight for and defend your individual rights to the last breath.

Government Accountability

There are 1,046 Federal programs without reauthorization from Congress to include, but are not limited to the ATF, DEA, The State Department, and The Federal Election Committee. I would see these programs audited