About Defend

DEFEND OUR UNION has created a powerful approach to mitigate Washington’s unconstitutional damage to our businesses, houses of worship and our basic civil rights. Working with representatives i

n our State House and Senate, we are crafting a legislative “firewall” to interpose and protect each state. 

We do not advocate violence. We are using our constitutional rights to work within the law to effect change and defend each state. 

Structural Groupings

State Leaders

State Leaders

Job Description

  1. Attend State Leader Training and Orientation
  2. Be a Defend Ambassador - attend existing grassroots meetings in your community and offer Defend Tech, Defend Onboarding, Defend Resources and ask for their leaders to participate in Defend Calls to share their wins and adopt wins from other leaders
  3. Recruit county leaders for your state and connect them with Defend County Leader Training
  4. Attend Defend Calls with other state leaders to share your wins and adopt wins from your peers
  5. Maintain your state page at www.defendourunion.org with events and wins
  6. Invite businesses and grass-root leaders to create pages for their organization at www.defendourunion.org to connect patriots with groups and businesses.
  7. Forward Defend Comms to your county leaders and grassroots leaders

    Apply to lead your state

County Leaders

Job Description

  1. Be a Defend Ambassador - attend existing grassroots meetings in your community and offer Defend Tech, Defend Onboarding, Defend Resources and ask for their leaders to participate in Defend Calls to share their wins and adopt wins from other leaders
  2. Attend Defend Calls with your state leader
  3. Update your state page at www.defendourunion.org with events and wins
  4. Invite businesses and grass-root leaders to create pages for their organization at www.defendourunion.org to connect patriots with groups and businesses.
  5. Forward Defend Comms to your grassroots leaders



Admin Team

There are several roles in the admin team and the job description will vary depending on the role you are playing

  1. Volunteer coordinator - use our lists to recruit volunteers to fill various needs
  2. Email - compile provided information and send email 
  3. Copy - word smith flyers and other communications
  4. Data - manage the Defend lists and database
  5. Train - train new state and county leaders
  6. New Defenders- welcome new members
  7. Support Defenders - answer questions and requests emailed from current and prospective defenders
  8. Compile information on current events from Defend Leaders and send to Email Team for broadcast, and post on Defend Our Union pages


Task Force

There are several task forces

  1. Canvasing
  2. Researching public information on elections
  3. Event planning and coordinating
  4. Recruiting leaders for Republican clubs
  5. Passing out flyers at events
  6. FOIA requests
