Marketing the Trump as Speaker Idea

While this is a long shot, this project gives citizens an opportunity to get their elected officials to take a position on Trump.  This will either aid or hurt their political carreers IF sufficient volunteers can contact their officials.  Importantly, this will also be a mitigating factor in the Jan 6th banana inquisition commission.  Add your ideas here on how to market this and importantly take actions to get the word out about this. 

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What You Can Do to Help Save America
As Great a Leader as President Trump is
he cannot do everything by himself.
He has asked We The People to Get Involved.
Thank God, many are.
If you are wondering what you can do
today to lend a hand in Saving America,
here's an easy way to start:
Contact by phone and email your Congressional Representative and politely tell them you want them to represent you by casting their vote on January 3rd for Donald J. Trump for Speaker of the House.
It's just that easy.
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