votifynoworg (1)


Votifynow is a free ap--by the people, for the people.

Johnny Vieira speaks about votifynow on the John Fredericks Show  October 13, 2022

2 Prong Approach

1. Reported incident, verified, put on app. Hotspots show up on phone screen--color coded.

2. Chain of custody of severe incidents are stored for future possible evidence as needed.

Everyone needs this app. 

The vast amount of information that must be verified requires volunteers who have access to administration. This has also been taken care of and if you are interested let Votifynow know.

  1. Notify others of election irregularities as it happens
  2. Check for and report mail-in ballot issues
  3. Monitor polling stations
  4. Acquire share, and rate candidate information
  5. Find school board and city council meetings
  6. Coming soon--walk your neighborhood and update voter lists
  7. Coming soon--your own ideas

Available for Android and iPhone

Google Play
App Store  

Installation Steps



Election Integrity

Candidate Awareness




Get this app today t