dropbox watch (1)

EMPOWERING ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ To Prevent Election Fraud in Washington State By Securing Drop Boxes and Educating Citizens

Patriots are rising up around our country to protect our elections. Many of us saw 2000 Mules and want to do whatever we can to stop fraud from occuring. 

One amazing organization can be found at Clean Elections USA. They are in another article, Drop Box Initiative 2022.

While passionately scouring the internet, another great group focused on Washington state was found. This has to be the most uplifting rewarding volunteer position in the world to find amazing grassroots organizations to share with you and let you know that corrections in the course of our country are being made--all over this land, and that we are not alone.



Election Period: 2022 Primary 7/15 - 8/2

The current drop box watch period is for the upcoming primary. Learn more about the current primary election at SOS website.


Register To Be Drop Box Observer

STEP 1: Register To Be A Ballot Dro