Fellow Patriots we are 570,000 strong. THAT IS A VOICE. We can't give up. This race was an indicator of just what a simple message can bring about.
We went up against an absolute government machine ... president of the state senate, endorsed by Trump, and DeSantis, and outspent by 30x (3 million vs. $100,000).
All this and still received 35% of the vote.
We did not lose, just laid the groundwork for something bigger and better... God bless you all... Fight on... James W Shaw
The state commissioner of agriculture has been run by a lone Democrat who surprisedly won in the last 30 minutes. This office does not only run the agriculture of the state but also fuel AND the concealed carry laws.
“Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. All those things are said against you because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it, too.” Andrew Breitbart
*Let Farmers Farm
Farmer's need the ability to produce the best, healthiest product, in the most efficient low cost manner. The Florida Agriculture Team and Farmer's working together need to make this goal a reality.
*Protect the consumer
Simply, fairness and honesty between the seller and buyer in all situations. As a consumer, when I pay for a gallon of gas, I get a gallon of gas .
*My Gun My Right
The second amendment states (The right to bare arms shall not be infringed upon.) My Rights to own a gun are not to be violated, encroached, or transgressed.
* I am a 12th Generation American citizen!
* Politics = Policies = Beliefs = Faith
* Education:
- Colgate University '83 (Hamilton, NY) BA, Sociology / Anthropology
- '82 Honorable Mention, All American College Football Player
* Married: 40 years (Patricia)
- 8 Children
- 3 Collegiate Football Players (Penn State, Maryland, Montana)
- 5 Beautiful daughters
- 22 Grandchildren
* Life Experience:
*Transportation 20 Years
- Managed 600 person facility... 525 Teamsters (Local Union 430 Harrisburg, Pa)
- Owned/ Operated a trucking transportation company consisting of 200 Non-Union Associates and two locations between Nashville, TN / Allentown, PA
* Owned/ Operated 3 Auntie Anne's pretzel franchises
* Real Estate Investor/ Owner of 50+ units
* Owner of 30 Acre Composting Farm
Fellow Floridians:
Don't take the position of Florida Commissioner of Agriculture lightly!
It consists of:
-300 commodities
-19 Departments
-3600 employees
In a nutshell, it touches every aspect of every Floridian, everyday.
It needs a seasoned manager, with education, business, and life experience.
A no nonsense individual who will protect your rights, when it comes to your daily life.
-Farmers don't need useless restrictions.
-Consumers need a good product at a fair price.
- Gun owners can never be forced to disarm or compromise.
My name is James W. Shaw married 40 years, 8 children, 22 grandchildren. I have a lot to protect! I'm in your corner.
I need your vote,
James W. Shaw
Republican 2022
*The Citrus Eagle 
*Defend our Union 
* Republican Liberty Caucus 
*Anthony Sabatini 
*Roger Stone 
"I strongly support James Shaw for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture. His opponent Wilton Simpson is a corrupt RINO turd."
Lou Marin
National Director, Florida Republican Assembly
President, Florida Republican Assembly, Orange County Chapter
*Lamarre Notargiacomo
* Timothy McMullan
I have known Jim Shaw for 40 years. He has succeeded in everything that he has done. Jim is an outstanding family man, an accomplished businessman, and a terrific leader. At this critical time in history, Jim Shaw is a guy that you want in your corner.
Tim McMullan
Managing Partner
TJT Capital Group
*Born to Ride 45 
Born to Ride 45 endorses James Shaw for Agriculture Commissioner... for...
-Defending peoples' interest not the Special Interests, Defender of our Second Amendment and Constitutional Rights, Fighting for clean water and repair red tide
George Colella,
National President
* Michael Waite
I am Voting for and endorsing James W Shaw for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture because we need a strong leader who will take charge of this massive misuse and abuse of Pesticide assaults on our environment, nature, and waterway habitat here in Florida. Mr. Shaw will help protect and keep our water and food chain production clean and healthy, as well as our 2nd Amendment rights, so we can protect ourselves, our families and community. James Shaw is the right person at the right time, and why I fully endorse his Candidacy for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture.
Michael Waite
Citrus Co Resident and Voter
Natures Protector
*IRC 2nd Amendment Defense Coalition
*James Marciano
My name is James "Jay" Marciano and I endorse Jim Shaw. I am a retired executive of UPS which I served for 27 years. I have known Jim for most of my life and can confirm he is a solid family man and business owner.
James "Jay" Marciano
*Cathi Chamberlain 
"I endorse James W Shaw!"
Cathi Chamberlain
Author- Rules for Deplorables; A primer for fighting Radical Socialism
*Stand for Health Freedom 
*Martin 9/12 Committee 
* Brian Plunkett
Jim Shaw has my full endorsement to become Florida's next Commissioner of Agriculture.
Jim Shaw is pro 2nd Amendment and America First and a great patriot. When the Gettysburg Battlefield Monument was being threatened by Antifa, Jim dropped everything he was doing in South Florida and drove through the night with his sons and stood guard at the Gettysburg Monument. He is a Patriot and the right man for this position. I have known Jim for over 40 years after becoming teammates on Colgate University's Division 1 NCAA varsity football team. Jim is a fighter and fierce competitor! In addition, Jim has created a successful agricultural operation and business in Florida!
Jim Shaw will work for Floridians and not for woke globalist politicians and oligarchs! He is America First all the way!
Brian Plunkett
English Instructor PBSC
*Florida Republican Assembly
*567 Constitutional Conservative members of Winter Haven 912 group. 
Yes- the 567 Constitutional Conservative members of Winter Haven 912 group strongly endorse James Shaw for Commissioner of Agriculture.
His opponent in the Republican Primary Wilton Simpson is a RINO who kowtows to special interests like the FL Sugar industry. He is not a true farmer like James Shaw and his 2A actions have been nothing but defensive and not designed to strengthen the 2A.
Royal A Brown III
Group President/ Political Advisor
*Manatee Patriots 
*Bob Allen
I have Known Jim for decades through our sports and professional associations. In addition to running a very successful business, he is a fighter who will look to do the right thing for the people of Florida.
Bob Allen
Small Business Owner
Financial Consultant
Harvard Basketball Captain
Christian Patriots of Central Florida 
*Father Michael Bihuniak
I have known James Shaw since we were classmates at Colgate University from 1979 thru graduation 1983. Mr. Shaw was highly respected by the Colgate community as both a student and varsity football team athlete. He has been in a 40 year loving and committed marriage resulting in the gift of 8 children and 22 grand children. In his professional life, James Shaw excelled in both the trucking and farming industries beyond everyone's expectations. His insistence on detail, work ethic, moral integrity and virtue are matched by very few men I know.
In short, he is a man that not only speaks the truth but more importantly- lives the truth... I fully support his candidacy for Florida Agricultural Commissioner.
Father Michael Bihuniak
Diocese Metuchen
"spent two... 10 week terms 1996-97 working side by side with Mother Theresa in the Calcutta India Mother house"
*Kirk Cummings
I have known Jim Shaw for over 30 years, back to when the trucking company I worked for retained his company to run a large dock consolidation operation. For any company to be successful in the trucking industry it must be safe, punctual, reliable, and consistently deliver on its commitments to its customer. Jim's company was all that and more. Those attributes are also a reflection of Jim himself and how he conducts his personal life. He is a man of integrity, his moral compass is unwavering, and is unfailingly a man of his word. When Jim makes a commitment he follows through with it. Period. Jim comes with my highest personal recommendation and the State of Florida would be well-served by Jim as Agricultural Commissioner.
Kirk Cummings
Former Trucking Industry Executive
* Senior Chief Geoff Ross
Simpson's unconstitutional "Red Flag" legislation restricts adults from buying guns and accessories, allowing unconstitutional 'red flag' accusations that gun owner are an immediate threat to others to result in confiscation. A much better candidate for this Cabinet position is James Shaw.
Senior Chief Geoff Ross
Surface Warfare/ Air Warefare
USN Retired
Combat Veterans for Congress PAC
*2022 Tampa Bay Young Republicans Primary Ballot Straw Poll Winners 
Problems with "The Other Guy"
--Editors response to questions about the other "Republican".
Who is Likely to be Our Next Florida Commissioner of Agriculture? And explain those endorsements of Simpson!?
Please check out Florida News Report in the link above. I am copying their entire article here but comments are on their page.
Florida State Senate President, Wilton Simpson, is a Republican from the 10th District, covering north and central Pasco County, Hernando County and Citrus County.
Simpson’s votes are in opposition to the Republican Party Platform and of DeSantis’ Floridians-first agenda. In fact, the American Conservative Union Foundation issued a 83.54% lifetime rating for Simpson’s voting record in the Florida legislature, a far cry from most conservative Florida lawmakers.
Simpson terms out this year and has his sights set on becoming the next Commissioner of Agriculture. What would that mean for Floridians to have a man with his ideology as the Florida Commissioner of Agriculture?
Voting Record in the Florida Legislature
Wilton Simpson’s voting record reveals a lack of allegiance to the Republican Party Platform. He’s reduced gun rights, undermined election integrity through support of online voting registration, opposed E-verify security for businesses, supported in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, and advanced Obama’s Medicaid Expansion for Florida:
• VOTED YES for Obamacare Implementation, expanding Medicare: http://ratings.conservative.org/bills/FL-2015-senate-SB2-SpecialSession
• VOTED YES for Online Voting Registrations, undermining Election Integrity: http://ratings.conservative.org/bills/FL-2015-senate-SB228
• VOTED YES for In-State Tuition for Illegal Immigrants, exploiting Florida tax payers and mocking our immigration laws: http://ratings.conservative.org/bills/FL-2014-senate-HB851
• Opposed E-verify; a practice that mandates all Florida businesses verify the workers they hire prove they are legal to work: https://floridianpress.com/2021/12/anthony-sabatini-blames-sprowls-and-simpson-for-standing-in-the-way-of-e-verify/
• VOTED YES for Gun Control against law-abiding Americans: https://www.nraila.org/articles/20180421/florida-alert-it-s-time-to-name-the-betrayers-who-voted-for-gun-control
Gun Control
Simpson not only supported gun control, he actually authored SB7026, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act, which affects buying, selling, or transferring guns and accessories. Simpson authored this gun-control bill after Mike Fernandez donated $250,000 to Simpson’s PAC. Fernandez is a South Florida gun control activist, but only when it suits him. His own security detail carry firearms, but that doesn’t stop him from doing what he can to disarm the “peasantry” of Florida (A few months later, Fernandez donated $200,000 to then Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Andrew Gillum). Simpson’s “Red Flag” legislation restricts adults from buying guns and accessories and allows ‘red flag’ accusations that gun owners are an immediate threat to others to result in confiscation, a situation ripe for abuse and one which hasn’t decreased gun crimes.
During the recent 2022 legislative session, Governor Ron DeSantis asked for a Constitutional Carry bill, saying he would sign the legislation into law if it landed on his desk. The Senate President controls which bills advance to committee and the floor and no bill was even introduced in the Senate under Simpson’s leadership. One House member explained her failure to co-sponsor the House bill was fear of retribution by House leadership and she would never have a bill heard or funds allocated to her district.
Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture oversees all concealed carry permits and firearms licensing in the state of Florida. Do you trust the person who authored the gun control law, reversing what had been a trend to constitutional liberty that had earned Florida the nickname, “The Gunshine State,” to protect Second Amendment rights? As Governor DeSantis said recently, “We used to be the leader on Second Amendment issues.”
Opposition to DeSantis
Simpson’s voting record and policy positions put him in direct opposition of our very popular and well-loved Governor, Ron DeSantis. Simpson battled DeSantis’ proposed congressional maps, resisted fulfilling his $100 billion-plus state budget and rejected his attempts to rein in tech and social media companies and stalled an anti-union bill. Simpson even told the Governor NO when DeSantis wanted to give relief to Floridians at the gas pump when prices shot up. Simpson’s brand seems to be anti-DeSantis, despite DeSantis’ strong leadership and commitment to the fundamental principles of the Republican Party Platform.
Can you trust the endorsements?
The NRA Endorsement
In 2018, the NRA released a scathing alert against the Florida Republicans who voted for SB-7026, the “gun control bill.” Simpson’s name made their list of “betrayers.”
The NRA urged their supporters:
“When [these Republicans] ask for your support, when they ask you to volunteer in their campaigns, when they ask for your donations, when they ask for your votes, think long and hard about what they had done. ”
Since this alert, and after sponsoring a table at a recent NRA gala fundraiser, Simpson received the NRA endorsement. The NRA failed to explain how they endorsed Simpson after this excoriating directive presented to Florida voters. Apparently, they hope you have a short memory.
President Trump Endorsement
Former President Trump, whose endorsements as of late have been questionable, touting Simpson’s fitness for Commissioner of Agriculture. Trump also endorsed Las Vegas sheriff Joe Lombardo for Nevada governor, in a stark departure from the Nevada GOP. Trump also gave his endorsement to incumbent U.S. Congressman from South Florida and Blue Falcon, Brian Mast. Simpson, Lombardo and Mast all have one thing in common: all are gun-control Republicans, flush with campaign cash. But they desperately need the Trump endorsement. Who else would you go to for an endorsement to make the “RINO” go away?
Governor DeSantis Endorsement
Finally, shockwaves were sent through conservative circles last week when Governor DeSantis endorsed Simpson for Commissioner of Agriculture. This, after the DeSantis camp targeted Simpson only months ago when Club for Growth dropped $75,000 in ads against Simpson in his own district. Governor DeSantis rarely makes a political misstep, but this will be judged as one of the few. DeSantis needs nothing from Simpson; Simpson needs DeSantis. Unfortunately, Simpson got it And trusting Floridians are cannon fodder.
Simpson received an astounding amount of sugar-industry campaign money, including $675,000 to one of several political committees he chaired. Simpson supported a bill to expand Florida’s Right to Farm Law to shield them from lawsuits over particle emissions. The industry was rocked when a federal lawsuit was filed over Big Sugar’s practice of setting fire to its fields to clear excess leaves before harvesting the stalks, choking nearby towns.
Financial Endorsement via Disclosures
If money buys political seats, Simpson is a shoo-in. His PACs are flush with cash:
• Jobs for Florida, $21.5 million
• Florida Green, $3.1 million
• Future Florida, $3.1 million
• Friends of Wilton Simpson, $4.9 million
Filings with the Florida State Financial Disclosure site, http://public.ethics.state.fl.us/search.cfm, reveal the following information about the history of Simpson’s finances:
In 2012, he reported his net worth was $15.6 million.
By 2018, Simpson’s filed financial disclosure showed his net worth had soared up to $26 million. http://public.ethics.state.fl.us/Forms/2018/211905-Form6.pdf
And by 2019, Simpson’s net worth had incredibly increased to $33.4 million.
Politics seems to be lucrative work if you can get it.
It seems Simpson, with his coveted endorsements and sweet campaign honey pot, is lined up to become Florida’s next Commissioner of Agriculture where he will enjoy unprecedented authority over Floridians’ gun rights and land management. This should concern all Floridians and, specifically, the GOP.
Every endorsement and advancement of a Republican who defies the Republican Party platform makes the GOP increasingly irrelevant.
And maybe with the money flow originating from the Left to “Republican” candidates, that’s exactly the point.
‘Bad blood’: Florida Republicans defy DeSantis
They have refused to go along with DeSantis’ proposed congressional maps, resisted fulfilling his $100 billion-plus state budget and rejected his attempts to reign in tech and social media companies.
Those types of internal gripes have been quietly happening for weeks. But they burst out publicly last week when the Senate tied a controversial water bill championed by Simpson to a huge chunk of the Senate’s budget. The issue immediately became a point of contention with DeSantis, who has policy and political motivations to oppose the measure because it is supported by the state’s powerful sugar industry, a longtime political foe of DeSantis’ going back to his three terms in Congress.
Senate President Wilton Simpson (R-10) continues to assault the Constitution and does so under the color of the law by abusing the power of his office. As Senate President, he has closed the Senate to both the public and lobbyists. The word “lobbyist” often conjures an image of a charlatan, someone who has no scruples and sell out to the highest bidder.
In some cases that is true. But as the Florida Director for GOA, I am a lobbyist and Sen. Simpson’s decision means that I cannot enter the Senate nor talk to Senators to represent GOA members. Sen. Simpson’s actions want to stop GOA and others from amplifying your voice in Tallahassee.
This isn’t the first time Sen. Simpson has shown a demeaning attitude towards Floridians.
He authored SB 7026, the gun control that passed after the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on February 14, 2018. He had no problem stripping the lawful rights of honest Floridians by violating the Fourth Amendment to go after the Second Amendment with Red Flag laws. He had no problem stripping any Floridian under the age of 21 from the legal ability of purchasing a long gun with his Under 21 Gun Purchase Ban. He had no problem with the banning of lawful property like Bump Stocks and similar accessories with his convoluted ban on firearm accessories.
Sen. Simpson is using his office as a steppingstone to further crush our rights. He is politically ambitious and coveting the Florida Agricultural Commissioner’s seat in 2022. That would put Sen. Simpson in charge of the agency responsible for issuing Concealed Carry Weapon Permits. He would have no problem siding with Nikki Fried (D-Ag Commissioner) in instituting gun control. Fried has already hinted that she wants to run for Governor in 2022. That would be a horrible combination in Tallahassee for sure.
Florida is under a Legislative Dictatorship and Wilton Simpson flaunts it.
Locking the public out of the Capitol (a public building) is unacceptable and a violation of your First Amendment rights. It is actions like these that turn Florida into “Banana Republic”. His decision reeks of authoritarianism and despotism.
RINO Wilton Simpson, Florida Senate President, who is termed out this year, has his sights set on becoming the next Commissioner of Agriculture. When you think of that position, think “Big Sugar.” Simpson received an astounding amount of sugar industry campaign money, including $675,000 to one of several political committees he chaired. Simpson supported a bill to expand Florida’s Right to Farm Law to shield them from lawsuits over particle emissions. The industry was rocked when a federal lawsuit was filed over Big Sugar’s practice of setting fire to its fields to clear excess leaves before harvesting the stalks, choking nearby towns.
But even more importantly, Simpson as agriculture commissioner would oversee all concealed carry permits in the state of Florida. With one out of four Florida residents have a concealed carry permit, we elect must embrace and support Florida gun rights.
Simpson doesn’t.
He wrote the “Red Flag” law passed in March 2018. An accusation can be made against a gun owner and without substantiation, their guns are seized and the owner must prove they are innocent before having them returned to them. On average, it costs $2000 - $10,000 in legal fees to have the confiscated firearms returned. So far, since enacted, it has caused over 2500 lawful gun owners to lose their guns without due process.
Simpson has spent the 2021 - 2022 legislative sessions killing the Constitutional Carry bill introduced. He talked a good game, stating he would have the bill heard in committee. But that never happened because Simpson appointed two Democrats to Chair the committees where he could dispose of bills he didn’t
Just the Truth
The following shows Simpsons ratings by the American Conservative Union. The curve shown below is the "rino curve". It lowers in non-election years and raises in election years. Politicians who vote from their core values have a fairly consistent straight line. Notice that portions of the line turn blue--that means he is voting like a Democrat in that area.
Here are the bills that he voted on that were opposed to conservative values from the same page on the American Conservative Union.
James Shaw is the RIGHT choice for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture...
*Good Food
*Good Water
*Good Guns
My vote is going to pro-constitution, pro-gun REAL farmer, James Shaw. This guy is the real deal. I've had several lengthy discussions with him and he is a God fearing man and a plain spoken patriot.
“Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives. - John Adams”