Topic: The Trump I Know movie producers on how to spot and decipher woke subliminal messaging.
Dear Participant,
Thank you for joining my breakout session. Here are some key takeaway points from my
1. Not everyone will attend a summit or rally, listen to a conservative podcast, or take the
time to read an educational article.
2. You are a person of influence in your immediate circle of friends, family, and coworkers.
If you speak effectively, they will listen to you.
I hope I conveyed the following:
1. There is a concerted and coordinated effort to crack the foundations of our Republic:
Family, Faith, Finances and Freedom.
2. Anything contrary to the woke agenda will be attacked, including Election Integrity
3. In the absence of fair and balanced media coverage, We the People must be the voice of
Wake up, Speak up, and Step up = Learn and Know, Communicate, Do.
Questions to ponder:
Before this summit, the biggest challenge I had in persuading others was:
a. I did not try to persuade others.
b. People did not listen to me.
c. People listened to me but did not do anything.
d. I would get frustrated when speaking with others.
e. Other.
What was compelling about what I heard? Can I use this in my personal communication efforts?
Why did this speaker keep my attention? Was it content, context, or the way they delivered
their message?
Three things that were new to me or I learned in this session.
Three things that are relevant to my family, friends, and coworkers.
Three Actions I can take after this summit.
You will be more effective if you plug into an existing group. Connect with the folks at Defend
Our Union for more training and support by texting the word VOICE to 91776. Remember:
You don’t need to be an expert but must BE well informed on the topic you are covering and
have sources that you can direct towards for further learning.
Assume your audience is very intelligent but knows nothing about the topic. Explain yourself
and do not use jargon.
Don’t begin where you are, instead begin where they are. Proceed to build a bridge to bring
them to your position, this approach is much more persuasive.
Ask questions and listen. Process what you are hearing and withhold from sharing your
conclusion. Instead think through the questions together and lead your audience through a
journey. If you walk together, they are most likely to arrive at your destination with you.
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