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  • The 10th Amendment

    Our Government was founded to protect our rights not abuse them. This video explores one additional safeguard.

    A deep dive into the Tenth Amendment, which states that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” In this video, Kim Kutz Elliott discusses the Tenth Amendment with scholars Randy Barnett and Robert Schapiro.

    To read more about the Tenth Amendment, visit the National Constitution Center’s Interactive Constitution. On this site, leading scholars interact and explore the Constitution and its history. For each provision of the Constitution, experts from different political perspectives coauthor interpretive explanations when they agree and write separately when their opinions diverge. .


  • Basic differences between Charter and Non-Charter Counties


    NON-CHARTER – Structure of county government specified in State Constitution and State Statutes. Only amending the State Constitution or State law can change structure.

    CHARTER – Structure of county government specified in Charter as approved by the electorate. Structure can be tailored by the local electorate to meet the needs of the county.

    NON-CHARTER – Counties have powers of self-government as prescribed by the State Legislature.

    CHARTER – Counties have all powers of self-government unless they are inconsistent with the Constitution or State law.

    NON-CHARTER – State Statutes do not provide for initiative or referendum, or recall of county officers.

    CHARTER – County charter may provide for initiative, referendum and recall at the county level. NON-

    CHARTER – State Statutes do not require an Administrative Code.

    CHARTER – County Charter can require an Administrative Code detailing all regulations, policies and procedures.

    NON-CHARTER – County cannot levy a utility tax in the unincorporated area.

    CHARTER –County Charter can provide that a “municipal utility tax” is levied in the unincorporated area.

    Differences Explained